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Glow Map Help Needed


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I'm making a texture for a mod, and I need a glow map in it. I have already made the map itself, but haven't added any emissive nifSkope settings. The wish I have with this map is that it won't glow when light and will glow when dark. According to the cs.elderscrolls forums this IS possible, but they don't tell how. Could someone please help me with this?


Thanks in advance,


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It doesn't take a script. Glow mapping is a texture feature only.


First you'll have to set the "emissive color" on the material of the .nif to something other than black. The closer to white it is, the more it will glow. A completely while emissive channel will probably glow in daylight as well as in the dark; a darker gray one will be much more subtle.


You can also control degree of glow by how bright or dark your glow map is. This is a grayscale texture that you name the same as the regular texture, as you would with a normal map; thus you have texture.dds, texture_n.dds (normal map) and texture_g.dds (glow map) all in the same folder.


Parts of the glow map that you want to glow brightly should be white; those you don't want to glow at all should be black. Shades of gray will give intermediate degrees.


You can look at the game's glow maps for good examples, if you've unpacked your .bsas. The daedric and glass weapons and armor both have them. Many modded weapons use some degree of glow mapping as well.


More info on normal and glow mapping:




Some of the words have run together after I pasted them in because of the formatting, but it should still be readable.

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