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Skyrim 1V1 Lan Mod with future coop announcement and suggestions threa


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Heres and idea, when entering player vs player, send them to an armoury before the battle against each other, strip the player of all their items (removeallitems on console or CK when it comes out)

In that 'armoury' there will only be basic non enchanted weapons and armour, so basically the hero relies on their skills and perks completely

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Hello, again thanks for the feedback I've been working hard on this and will have some screenshots to show in the next few days and hopefully a good video by the end of the month. Fraps isn't working very well with skyrim at the moment and I'm unsure of other video recorders that work in full screen.



Buffing health could work in theory but a few problems would arise how much health would we increase per level? Will toons not going into "health" and choosing magicka or stamina get a health increase as well? If yes, how much less? A restat mod would also have to be made that resets everybody's stats back to 100 they will then get to increase their stats based on their current level.


For example,


I'm level 80, my stats would reset back to 100 and I would get 80 stat increases to stick wherever.



A good idea would be to make this restat cost gold based on level, level 80 toons can pay 500k and level 1 toons can pay like 500 septims.


As for working on co-op over pvp, co-op would face the same problem especially if I increase it to 3 potential players i'm going to have to make some really fun encounters otherwise it would get boring awfully fast. The AI is fine for now, bethesda did a great job on the AI of encounters in this game but made the mobs way to easy to kill health wise for 60+ characters. So I'll increase the health on a lot of the encounters and make some encounters of my own for people to play with.



Stripping the toons naked would work for casters but what about archers and swordsmen? Maybe give them unbuffed basic iron/fur gear? That could work with the health buffs listed above. Like I said invisibility has to go, it won't work in a pvp situation but many of our other spells like paralysis could work for 2-3 seconds vs the 15-20 seconds it works now and have a chance to "miss". That or make it have a cast time and create a interrupting spell. I think that would be the best thing to aim for pvp wise, I'll work on co-op later.



I was going to make pvp vendors with pvp gear purchased with special currency but I like the strip naked temporary solution for now. Potions will be disabled for now until I can make special "pvp only" potions. That way skill and spells will work for now until I have the time to completely go through the crafting system and make non OP gear.



We'll see if the mmo addons end up finishing, if they do maybe we can merge projects but for now LAN is the most sensible solution.

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Balanceing is propably not a big problem in the beginning, and as it is lan connected house rules can be used.

Getting two player on a pice of dirt and registering each others movements correctly is propably still a bit away, but i look forward to an coop dungeon crawl, as baldours gate, on nirn firma.

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  On 1/13/2012 at 7:23 PM, Chaosrex said:

Easy fix, play with lvl 40 or 50 Chars, stop upgrading your equipment past 45% and do the same with Resistance, have fun.


People should learn that its not because you can do something, that you have to do it.



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Easier fix, make it a realistic combat scenario, IE: Shields block all damage but can break, Power attacks eat all stamina. I play as a nightblade, so I would rely on a variety of skills. Also make it so that depending on your sneak level it deems your transcperancy, so if your level is 100 your 20% opaque. so basically a fifth of your level is how opaque you are. Spells like invisibility would be functional but potions, spells, and stones of detect invisibility would have to be added.
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I will definitely be watching out for the alpha/beta of this MOD as I'd quite like to play Skyrim alongside, with or against my girlfriend and sons.


I guess the only requests I have is the ability for up to 4 players (eventually) to play the game knowing the others out there somewhere and we can either choose to meet up and work some quests together or fight each other, either individually or in teams, using say surnames to determine which team you are in.

Edited by shad8w
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Just Wondering... Because I'm been playing Skyrim for a long while but I'm new to mods.


Is there a Co-Op project, this project/An other project That can make it so me and my friend over Lan (Or Hamachi of course) Just play together?

Like we just want to be able to run around and do some quests together.. Or like i buy or trade something with him.. so it would need to run off of the players single player map.. I'm guessing.. I was just wondering. PVP would be cool but that's not what we really wanted to do.. just run around the map free like normally but with my friend.


If there is a project like this or a alpha or beta of a mod we can test out that would be really cool!


Anyways ill be watching how this project grows anyways!


Thanks in advance!

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I just hope you make the "rebalance" part a separate mod from the actual multiplayer, because I'd prefer if people could develop their own "rebalance" mods that are designed to be used with the co-op/pvp mod. Just make sure you provide the ability for each player to correctly perform all actions and interact with each other and the world, and then leave this as a starting point for yourself or others to make modular balance fixes. Not everybody wants the game to be balanced the same way. If it was "rebalanced" in a way that I disliked, for example, that would inhibit me from using the multiplayer mod at all.


I personally like extremely competitive "balance" things, I'm not sure if I'd even mind it being "vanilla", because players would have to push themselves to think of ways to defend. Just because you haven't been able to do it in testing doesn't mean it's impossible.


Example: I used to play Crysis online, and was probably one of the top 1% best players, and all of us who were really good noticed that Crytek -tried- to balance the game, and it was balanced for most players, but since our own skill level was way beyond theirs, we found that it wasn't very balanced for us.


I'm not sure you can ever really make a completely balanced game, but every ability that a player can use should have a "counter" so that players have to adapt/react to each other. You also may not know what this is unless you've done extensive testing with the game, so trying to balance it before hundreds of people have played it is futile. I mean, the best strategy in "vanilla" could end up being something that you haven't even thought of yet.

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hey , i am noob at making stuff like this but might i suggest that making "spells" like stun ,snare,healing dubuff etc like in world of warcraft

because personally i dont feel as if the weapon play is fun here , ...its basically spamming click and the guy is dead , if u want a pvp system it needs to have a skill factor, also pls make proper classes and spells /attacks can only be used if your a special class , like if a rogue can stun (thats logical)but if a rogue can stun you restealth and just heal all the time no other class would stand a chance etc .. ,

pls can you tell me how you make mods any way , what software to use , i have did a small search on the web finding rubbish software that is basic and boring :)

but i hop you the best on this mod


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