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Wildwood Cemetery - CTD issue


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I recently installed Black Widow Armor and Pip-boy mod to have a look. Nice enough mod, minor issues i'm sure will be worked out. Anyway, you need to go to the cemetery to retrieve it, (or console help it), but I always like to get from source before I use console commands. Just my way.

So, I go to get it and as soon as i'm in cemetery, CTD. I figure might be recent mod. Dis-able last 10 mods. no change. Go to other locales, 25 at last count, no CTD. Only at Wildwood Cemetery.

Was wondering if anyone else has, or had, this issue and what remedy you found for it?

Thanks for your time

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Every time you remove a mod and continue playing you add junk and possible CTD to your saves so multiply that by many mods as you have done and you will have a lot of problems just from doing that. The game doesn't clean your saves and even if you find a tool that can clean saves it doesn't always work right or clean every single thing and even then it still might now work right. CTD when entering an area usually means something is gone that should still be there or the game is looking for something like a reference and can't find it. It could also mean you need to clean your mods with FO4EDIT. I bet that mod you added recently has ITMs and deleted navmeshes. Just clean it with FO4EDIT and try again see what happens. The author is not always at fault for ITMs and other things sometimes the CK does it all by itself just because it can. Every time you save a mod in the CK you have to exit the CK and then clean with FO4EDIT just in case. Most mod authors don't clean their mods or even know what FO4EDIT is.

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