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Stardew Valley

Mod Request: Character skin and Name change (for a birthday)


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Hello, My girlfriend has been really into Stardew valley recently and shes also loves to see characters that look or appear like she does in game. Her birthday is coming up and i thought this would be a wonderful gift yet i am really bad at modding or anything that includes modding i don't know why I'm just bad at it and i cant find any other site with such a wonderful mod community

Tl;dr - My Girlfriends birthday is coming soon. I want a character that looks like her

From what ik of the game there are six bachelorettes in the game. I've chosen Abigail (based on her traits) to be the one who will be changed.
Abagael's portrait and skin description will be below. if you would like you can go off of this - http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/749/? -



Re-name her Galaxie (and all the mentioning of her name to if you can please and thank you)

Brown eyes (Hex code #8B4513 Saddle brown)


Black hair and eyebrows (Hex code #000000 Black) please shade as u feel

- EDIT - Make her bow white (Hex code #FFFFFF white) - EDIT -


Change her blue coat to a black coat (Hex code #000000 Black)

Please give her selves on her coat to (Hex code #000000 Black)



Finally if its not to much to ask
can you do the same thing this person did - http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/346/? - but it only needs to be on Abigail

Thank you so much this will mean so much to her you don't even know ^_^


if you have any additional questions or have completed my request please contact me at [email protected]



- Edit - Please people, her birthday is coming up within the next few weeks.

Edited by Thanohs
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