midgetalien Posted January 19, 2017 Share Posted January 19, 2017 Hello everyone, I don't normally have CTD problems, but I am having a hard time narrowing this one down. The game is crashing east of White run. Once you go over the bridge past Honningbrew Meadery. I had previously done a radiant quest at White River Watch (Just across the river from the area I want to walk). I fast travel there but within a few seconds the Game CTD's. The only mods I am running which should affect that known area are: Cutting Room Floor (Jester quest)Settlements Expanded (Adds a few buildings)Immersive patrols. I have deactivated all 3 of these but still the problem occurs. What I have tried: - Reverting to earlier saves and trying location again.- Fast traveling away from location, waiting 3 days.- Removing mods systematically and re-loading.- Various ini tweaks to reduce shadows- Changing fade distance- Lowering settings from high to medium I use LOOT to manage my load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm1 1 Update.esm2 2 Dawnguard.esm3 3 HearthFires.esm4 4 Dragonborn.esm5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp6 6 HighResTexturePack01.esp7 7 HighResTexturePack02.esp8 8 HighResTexturePack03.esp9 9 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp10 a Cutting Room Floor.esp11 b enchant4effects.esp12 c mwCraftableCirclets.esp13 d humans drop human parts.esp14 e Elemental Staves.esp15 f Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp16 10 NecromancerImproved.esp17 11 EnchantPotionDuration.esp18 12 Dr_BandolierDG.esp19 13 VLCollisionFix.esp20 14 lighterdbs.esp21 15 hearthfire_buyingots.esp22 16 BetterFurnitureClutter_CratesVanillaLoot.esp23 17 RavenRockExpanded.esp24 18 shezrieslakeviewgreenhouse.esp25 19 Settlements Expanded.esp26 1a Solstheim - The Lost Levels.esp27 1b UnderstoneKeepRestored.esp28 1c Connys Improved Hearthfire.esp29 1d Morrowind Soul Gems.esp30 1e Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp31 1f LakeViewManorUpgrades.esp32 20 Oblivion Gates v3 - Skyrim + Dawnguard DLC.esp33 21 Oblivion Gates v3 without Markers - Skyrim + Dawnguard DLC.esp34 22 ESOimports.esp35 23 WayshrinesIFT.esp36 24 Cloaks.esp37 25 more plants all.esp38 26 PowderMammothTusks.esp39 27 Dr_Bandolier.esp40 28 ImmersiveSpells.esp41 29 Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp42 2a LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp43 2b LeftHandRings.esp44 2c Mage-Friendly Dragon Priest Masks.esp45 2d CraftableBoneMeal.esp46 2e Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp47 2f Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp48 30 VampireJewelry.esp49 31 MasterSpellsShouldBeMasterful.esp50 32 hearthfires_blacksmithmaterials.esp51 33 makestraw.esp52 34 erboscookingexp.esp53 35 erbostanningexp.esp54 36 erbossmeltingexp.esp55 37 moreingreds.esp56 38 LostGrimoire.esp57 39 more dragons.esp58 3a DragonCarvedArmorSet.esp59 3b BetterMagesGuild.esp60 3c Thalmor, no steel weapons..esp61 3d Lore Weapon Expansion.esp62 3e Darkwater Crossing.esp63 3f ajd_dommorepotentialmarriagecands.esp64 40 HroldanVillage.esp65 41 ClefJ's Anga's Mill.esp66 42 Dolmen Ruins.esp67 43 Lunar Forge Patch.esp68 44 sm_dragonbornpartofskyrimstaves.esp69 45 Cart in Each Big Town.esp70 46 tos_amber_guard.esp71 47 tos_laintardale_hf.esp72 48 tos_oakwood_hf.esp73 49 Mage's Kitchen.esp74 4a Shor's Stone.esp75 4b Skyshards.esp76 4c DF127MerchantsofMorthal.esp77 4d shezrieshfkitchen.esp78 4e Ivarstead.esp79 4f LakeviewManorRoad.esp80 50 Helarchen Creek.esp81 51 tos_granitehall.esp82 52 BR_HoodCirclets.esp83 53 Whistling Mine.esp84 54 Kynesgrove.esp85 55 Immersive Patrols II.esp86 56 Soljund's Sinkhole.esp87 57 Karthwasten.esp88 58 quest_pitfighter.esp89 59 Legendarygraveyard.esp90 5a Vellamo.esp91 5b Frost Giants in the Cold.esp92 5c Largergarden.esp93 5d BEI-Dragonborn.esp94 5e Purchasable Items for Dragonborn.esp95 5f BetterMagesGuildAddon.esp96 60 DotSAMRobe.esp97 61 DLC Shrines for Hearthfire Homes.esp98 62 CellarDoor.esp99 63 Hearthfire Coffin Cubby - Lair.esp100 64 sm_winterholdtemple.esp101 65 sm_jobasha_bookshop.esp102 66 LDWrapUpTutorialComplete.esp103 67 Dwemer Spectres Legendary.esp104 68 sm_lakeview_maskdisplys.esp105 69 sm_winterholdgate.esp106 6a Winterhold Bridge Repaired.esp107 6b Equippable Tomes.esp108 6c sm_julianosshrine.esp109 6d sm_Astra.esp110 6e HearthfireHorseRelocation.esp111 6f HausSeeblickKellerAddon.esp112 70 LakeviewManorFishHatchery.esp113 71 Gehenoth.esp114 72 sm_scroll crafting.esp115 73 ImprovedAtronachForge.esp116 74 AlchemyAndAtronachForgeGuideBooks.esp117 75 sam winterholddragonbornpatch.esp118 76 Oblivion Gates in Cities.esp119 77 CraftableClothes.esp120 78 bdk_hearthfire_mod.esp121 79 sm_HF_staffenchanter.esp122 7a LakeviewArborAndPlanter-Entrance.esp123 7b kta_archmagebookshelves.esp124 7c wamroombanneroverbed.esp125 7d sm_magicanomaly.esp126 7e archmagequartersmannequin.esp127 7f wcollegecookingpot.esp128 80 Gildergreen Regrown.esp129 81 Lokir's House.esp130 82 teleporter.esp131 83 3ISLLakeviewMerchant.esp132 84 Bound Wood Axe.esp133 85 lesssnowywinterhold.esp134 86 moredragonloot.esp135 87 LakeViewChairs.esp136 88 birna'soddmentssign.esp137 89 AHZmoreHUD.esp138 8a ajd_domhearthfirestewards.esp139 8b PrvtIRings.esp140 8c bonemoldweapons.esp141 8d CommentaryTalos.esp142 8e WorkableChurns.esp143 8f couriermerchant.esp144 90 CritterProduce.esp145 91 Haunting & Mourning.esp146 92 Improved TrickShot.esp147 93 LoreFriendlySpells.esp148 94 MysticGloves.esp149 95 Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp150 96 MilkSomeCows.esp151 97 SkyUI.esp152 98 sm_Thalmorhood_craft.esp153 99 DrainLife2-1.esp154 9a Four Slots for Enchanting .esp155 9b UnreadBooksGlow.esp156 9c sm_basic_scroll_craft_Shalidor.esp157 9d Conjure Bound Pickaxe.esp Any help to save my game would be appreciated. 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