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Steam cannot connect after update


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So today I booted up my computer and the steam client saw fit to update itself (~95 MB). After the update process had completed I got this error message:




Obviously there is nothing whatsoever at steampowered.com that would offer any kind of help with this problem. After all, the steam client had been running okay on that same machine for about two years until the update. The problem is the update, not the machine or the internet connection.


And what's worse, I can't connect to my steam account through the web-browser, either. It says my log-in credentials are invalid. Grrrrr. I never changed them in the two years I've been using them.


Obviously I can't play Skyrim until this issue is resolved. I would appreciate any help. TIA!

Edited by Hallodria
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I managed to restore access to my game by jumping through the following hoops:

1. went to steamcommunity.com and reset my account password

2. deleted the userdata folder in /steam

3. started steam client and entered new password, then restored all the no-nonsense settings (i. e. disabled steam overlay etc)

4. enabled offline mode (again)


That was a completely useless waste of time and infuriating. Makes me want to look for a crack for my legally purchased game (bought on DVD, not from steam).

I will make damn sure that any future games I buy will not rely on the the whims and availability of some web service and a POS client software. Such games I will either forego - or download a cracked version instead, for peace of mind. I will never give any money to the likes of Steam because that will only encourage them.

Sorry, Bethesda, that will also include any future TES games.

Edited by Hallodria
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