LordSengir Posted January 19, 2017 Share Posted January 19, 2017 Hello, I've had this ( http://imgur.com/eNOkPlQ ) for a while now and it makes playing the game pretty much impossible after some time. At first I thought I might have simply broken my save but even with a brandnew save it happens. As far as I can remember it only happens outdoors. I think it's the most extreme around Lake Ilinalta. Sometimes I got memory issues at least accoring to the error message from windows but I'm not sure if it's really related. I do sometimes have a lot of stuff running in the backgound ( of course i tested wther that was the cause but even with only Skyrim running it happens ) It made no difference whether i used LOOT or BOSS. I use NMM for most mod installations. I use ENBBoost without the graphics enhancements. I used TESVEdit to get rid of dirty edits, even tried to manually edit the mods around Lake Ilinalta with no success so far. Load order ( from LOOT, plugin list of merged plugins in brackets): 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Falskaar.esm 7 7 Wyrmstooth.esp 8 8 Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch.esp 9 9 ApachiiHair.esm 10 a ApachiiHairFemales.esm 11 b FallOut3Hairs.esm 12 c OblivionHairPackAIO.esm 13 d Obl-VB hair.esm 14 e hdtHighHeel.esm 15 f JSwords.esm 16 10 SexLab.esm 17 11 SexLabAroused.esm 18 12 ZaZAnimationPack.esm 19 13 SuccubusFollower.esp 20 14 MiasLair.esp 21 15 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm 22 16 CompanionArissa.esm 23 17 moonpath.esm 24 18 JackGaPub.esm 25 19 MolagBalsInferno.esm 26 1a HighResTexturePack01.esp 27 1b HighResTexturePack02.esp 28 1c HighResTexturePack03.esp 29 1d Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 30 1e Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp 31 1f XPMSE.esp 32 20 Better Dynamic Snow.esp 33 21 Vivid Snow - Vanilla.esp 34 22 Skyrim-Mapweatherfix.esp 35 23 mintylightningmod.esp 36 24 StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp 37 25 AMatterOfTime.esp 38 26 Better Embers.esp 39 27 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp 40 28 GuardsGuardThePlayer.esp 41 29 ImmersiveSpells.esp 42 2a Moss Rocks.esp 43 2b ShootingStars.esp 44 2c SkyrimHighDefinitionLODs.esp 45 2d Footprints.esp 46 2e Footprints - Ash.esp 47 2f JSwords_Load_Screens.esp 48 30 Ket_PictureLoadscreens.esp 49 31 UIExtensions.esp 50 32 AHZmoreHUD.esp 51 33 SkyUI.esp 52 34 Souls_Quick_Menu.esp 53 35 SoulsQuickMenuFixbySOT.esp 54 36 LessIntrusiveHUD.esp 55 37 DeadlyAssassin.esp 56 38 Ranger Outfit.esp 57 39 Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 58 3a 3DNPC.esp 59 3b Book Covers Skyrim.esp 60 3c Helgen Reborn.esp 61 3d SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp 62 3e SkyFalls DB + FS Small Waterfalls.esp 63 3f RealisticWaterTwo.esp 64 40 RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp 65 41 Tel_Nalta.esp 66 42 Armor2Merge.esp (merged plugins:ExpandedJewelryCrafting.espNS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.espAMB Glass Variants Lore.espAoD - FullPlate.espArmorEbonyRanger.espAsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp1nivWICCloaks.espDifferently Ebony.espUnique Uniques.espaMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.espBloodWitchArmor.espDCR_Blade_Set_Reloaded_v1_0.espFS_UltimateAssortment.espWestWindAssault.espWitch Of The Wild.espTrue Thief Armor.espPrvtI_HeavyArmory.espLrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.espScopedBows.espThe Huntsman.espgeralt_ravenarmor_v02b.espResplendentArmor.espElvenChainMail.espIrisSaber.espUrsine Armour.espNicoroshi Creations.espisilNarsil.espRemodeled Armor.espTW3_ArmorVariants_Undeadgoblin.espFionaOutfit.espAlynShirArmor.espDraconic Bloodline.espRaven Witch Armor.espDoomhammer - Johnskyrim.espSilverlight Armor.espStylishPirate.espR18Pn - Ritter Armor - Heavy.espESO Breton Knight by NewrMind43.espSamuraiBlades.espcalyps-investigator.espDarkStandalone.espHell Sword.espJojjos Warglaives.espR18PnLeereRoyalRetextureStandalone.espWarhammer Sorceress Robes.espBBD_NereidPirate.espStrap.espNS_Eilhart_Dress.espTrissArmorRetextured.espVS Archeress Noble.espNeo's Oriental Dress.espEbokini.espDragonboneBarbarianArmor.espR18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.espLustmordVampireArmor.espMavari Armor.espESO Altmer Armor by NewrMind43.espR18Pn - Leere Armor.espnightshade_armor.espScarletDawnArmor.espSamuraiArmor.espLightBladesArmor.espNeo's Lei Fang & Christie.espContractor Armor.espTheSumoJellyBeanDresses.esp) 67 43 SoS - The Wilds.esp 68 44 AnnaNPCs.esp 69 45 SoS - Civilization.esp 70 46 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 71 47 DovahBlingJewelryStandalone.esp 72 48 DovahBlingBraceletsScr.esp 73 49 DovahBlingJewelrySignetRings.esp 74 4a DovahBlingJewelryUniques.esp 75 4b TH3WICK3D1-HawkeMageArmor.esp 76 4c Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 77 4d Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp 78 4e SkaalKidAetaCoat.esp 79 4f Convenient Horses.esp 80 50 iLuvLoading.esp 81 51 Nausicaa's Tweaker.esp 82 52 beinz_plugin.esp 83 53 Vivid Landscapes.esp 84 54 Immersive detection of NPC.esp 85 55 Immersive lighting of NPCs.esp 86 56 AllowVampireLordAction.esp 87 57 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp 88 58 DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp 89 59 SkyCompleteLegendary.esp 90 5a SkyComplete3DNPC.esp 91 5b SkyCompleteFalskaar.esp 92 5c SkyCompleteWyrmstooth.esp 93 5d Killmove +.esp 94 5e HeartBreaker.esp 95 5f HairMerge.esp (merged plugins:Beards.espBrows.espLovelyHairstylesLITE.espN_43 Hair Pack.esp) 96 60 HearthfireMultiKid.esp 97 61 Ambriel.esp 98 62 SoS - The Dungeons.esp 99 63 Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp100 64 AuroraFollower.esp101 65 Vath.esp102 66 AnnaNPCs-AndunielsMeadery.esp103 67 MoonAndStar_MAS.esp104 68 Undeath.esp105 69 Clockwork.esp106 6a EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp107 6b Inconsequential NPCs.esp108 6c EMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp109 6d RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp110 6e UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp111 6f aelafacelift-origpaint.esp112 70 Immersive Sounds - Magic.esp113 71 StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp114 72 Armored Skeleton.esp115 73 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp116 74 Victoria Velina Revamped.esp117 75 RDO - UFO v1.2j.b15 Patch.esp118 76 Xanthys.esp119 77 Inigo.esp120 78 Run For Your Lives.esp121 79 MoonAndStar_TelNaltaPatch.esp122 7a moonpath_questdata.esp123 7b SeranaDialogEdit.esp124 7c SofiaFollower.esp WarmongerArmory_Vanilla.esp WarmongerArmory_DLC.esp WarmongerArmory_LeveledList.esp125 7d JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp126 7e Skuldafn Travel.esp127 7f Solar.esp128 80 CerwidenCompanion.esp129 81 SolitudeSKY.esp130 82 OK_Followers.esp131 83 RoderickRedbeard.esp132 84 Shadow Striping Fix.esp133 85 Dreamborne Islands.esp134 86 AgentOfRighteousMight.esp135 87 MiraakFollower.esp136 88 Immersive Dragonborn.esp The Huntsman.esp137 89 RealFireArrows.esp138 8a DeadlyDragons.esp139 8b RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp140 8c RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp141 8d HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp142 8e Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp143 8f Uncle Sheo.esp144 90 CinematicFireFX.esp145 91 AwpSylvanas.esp146 92 UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp147 93 Blaze Of Eventide.esp148 94 Ysolda.esp149 95 HearthfireMoveKidsfix.esp150 96 RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp151 97 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp152 98 Vampire Lord Polished.esp153 99 EnableSovngardeMap.esp154 9a FollowerCompatibility.esp155 9b Dragonslayerarrows - Vanilla.esp156 9c Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp157 9d RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp158 9e quest_pitfighter.esp159 9f Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp160 a0 CarryOnSkyrimBenAsFollowerV2.2.esp161 a1 ForgottenCity.esp162 a2 MidnightBreed.esp163 a3 armored-horses.esp164 a4 ApotheosisDemo.esp165 a5 KNM_Mour.esp166 a6 Immersive Patrols.esp167 a7 KNM_AcalyphaFollower.esp168 a8 BrajornLoadingNSFW.esp169 a9 vSS_SuperStash.esp170 aa Mary Follower.esp171 ab hothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.esp172 ac ArmorMerge.esp (merged plugins:Fancy Bows.espSyanna+Henrietta.espSithis Armour.espNewmGlassRobe.espElvenia.espManticore Armour.espCeles Nightingale Armor.espBlack Dragon Armor.espDemonHunterArmor.espDemonHunterV2armor.espDaedric Extra Armor.espCL Ebonyblade.espDarkNemesis.espHDT Capes.espEC Clothes.espEternalShineArmorAndWeapons.espFS_Eidolon.espFS_NamelessLight.espFS_Skycutter.espFS_SwordofTruth.espFudou Myouou.espHawke Armor.espKatarina.espKKFur.espLadyLaceCloaks_EN.espMaskofBlades.espMasters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).espMystic.espNightingaleArrows.espNightingaleCrossbow.espNorthgirl.espOrcrist.espRogueArmor.espRogueArmorHD.espSchwertleite Set.espSeraphineHuntedArmor.espTERAArmors_CBBE.espThanatos Dragonx.espTravel Attire.espvindictus.esp ) 173 ad Xanthys_ImmersiveArmorsPatch (3).esp174 ae AddItemMenu2.esp175 af AfterUFOMerge.esp (merged plugins:Shard Companion.espKKFollowerBalin.espMinerva.espTrissMerigoldW3.espCaesiaFollower.espFollower Onean.espSummonSuccubus.esp) 176 b0 Atvir.esp177 b1 PrivateSquadV03.esp178 b2 GDJewels.esp179 b3 Crossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.esp180 b4 GDZZJJDH.esp181 b5 Recorder Follower Base.esp182 b6 Immersive Mercenaries.esp183 b7 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp184 b8 SKY.esp185 b9 EnableForgottenValeMap+M+EA.esp186 ba Reaper's The Dark Tower.esp187 bb Immersive Dawnguard.esp188 bc Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp189 bd Sneak Tools.esp190 be ColdharbourDaedra.esp Unique Uniques.esp ScopedBows.esp191 bf AronsMechaDragons.esp Nicoroshi Creations.esp192 c0 Lilarcor.esp193 c1 PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp isilNarsil.esp194 c2 summersetisles.esp195 c3 MoonAndStar_Undeath_compat.esp196 c4 IslandFastTravel.esp197 c5 Immersive Brigands.esp198 c6 theRoadstrokersRoyalElvenSet.esp199 c7 Unslaad.esp200 c8 Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp201 c9 FlowerGirls.esp Remodeled Armor.esp TW3_ArmorVariants_Undeadgoblin.esp202 ca Elewin Pumps 2.esp203 cb PrvtI_HeavyArmory_DG_Addon.esp IrisSaber.esp204 cc Geralt.esp205 cd EnableBlackreachMap+IN+M.esp206 ce EnableSoulCairnMap+M.esp207 cf Nithhogg Dragon.esp208 d0 Sulfuras The Reclaimed Hand - Johnskyrim.esp209 d1 IceBladeOfTheMonarch.esp210 d2 Immersive Factions.esp211 d3 RustWereWolfFollower.esp212 d4 quest_pitfighter_dlc01.esp213 d5 MBWSAmalia.esp CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp Superjump_2x.esp Thanatos Dragonx.esp 00 ArcaneHorror.esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp AlynShirArmor.esp AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Angelic_Demonic.esp AoD - FullPlate.esp ArmorEbonyRanger.esp AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp BBD_NereidPirate.esp Beards.esp Black Dragon Armor.esp BloodWitchArmor.esp Brows.esp CaesiaFollower.esp calyps-investigator.esp Celes Nightingale Armor.esp Minerva.esp214 d6 RDO - USLEEP Patch.esp215 d7 WitcherMerge.esp (merged plugins:Ciri's DLC Outfit.espCiriOutfit.espYennefer.espCirilla.espCerysanCraite.esp) CerysanCraite.esp216 d8 Viconia.esp217 d9 Uriellefollower.esp218 da KeiraMetz.esp Ciri's DLC Outfit.esp Yennefer.esp Cirilla.esp CiriOutfit.esp CL Ebonyblade.esp ESO Breton Knight by NewrMind43.esp SaderHorses.esp Evil MasterMind Armor.esp LustmordVampireArmor.esp Contractor Armor.esp Daedric Extra Armor.esp DarkNemesis.esp DarkStandalone.esp DCR_Blade_Set_Reloaded_v1_0.esp DeadlyMonsters.esp DemonHunterArmor.esp DemonHunterV2armor.esp Differently Ebony.esp Doomhammer - Johnskyrim.esp Dovahkiin Mercenary Armor and Weapons CBBE.esp Draconic Bloodline.esp DragonboneBarbarianArmor.esp DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp Dragonslayerarrows - Arrows only.esp Dragonslayerarrows - Nock to Tip.esp Dragonslayerarrows - Vanilla Temper.esp Ebokini.esp EC Clothes.esp ElvenChainMail.esp Elvenia.esp EpisodeParallax.esp ESO Altmer Armor by NewrMind43.esp EternalShineArmorAndWeapons.esp ExpandedJewelryCrafting.esp Fancy Bows.esp FionaOutfit.esp FNIS.esp Follower Onean.esp FS_Eidolon.esp FS_NamelessLight.esp FS_Skycutter.esp FS_SwordofTruth.esp FS_UltimateAssortment.esp Fudou Myouou.esp geralt_ravenarmor_v02b.esp Hawke Armor.esp HDT Capes.esp Hell Sword.esp IAmTheRad_SummonKarstaagUnlimited.esp Jojjos Warglaives.esp Katarina.esp KKFollowerBalin.esp219 db KKFollowerBalin_F.esp KKFur.esp Krev The Skinner's Mantle by Hothtrooper44.esp LadyLaceCloaks_EN.esp LightBladesArmor.esp LovelyHairstylesLITE.esp PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp220 dc TorchArrow-Dawnguard.esp LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp Manticore Armour.esp MaskofBlades.esp Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).esp Mavari Armor.esp Moirai - SummersetIsles - Ridable Worldspaces.esp Mystic.esp Neo's Lei Fang & Christie.esp Neo's Oriental Dress.esp NewmGlassRobe.esp NightingaleArrows.esp NightingaleCrossbow.esp nightshade_armor.esp Northgirl.esp NS_Eilhart_Dress.esp NS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.esp N_43 Hair Pack.esp Orcrist.esp R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp R18Pn - Leere Armor.esp R18Pn - Ritter Armor - Heavy.esp R18PnLeereRoyalRetextureStandalone.esp randomthunder.esp Raven Witch Armor.esp ResplendentArmor.esp RogueArmor.esp RogueArmorHD.esp SamuraiArmor.esp SamuraiBlades.esp SamuraiBladesWeapons.esp ScarletDawnArmor.esp Schwertleite Set.esp Serana.esp SeraphineHuntedArmor.esp Shard Companion.esp Silverlight Armor.esp Sithis Armour.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp Sovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp Strap.esp StylishPirate.esp TrissMerigoldW3.esp SummonSuccubus.esp Syanna+Henrietta.esp TERAArmors_CBBE.esp TheSumoJellyBeanDresses.esp torches for realistic lighting.esp Travel Attire.esp TrissArmorRetextured.esp True Thief Armor.esp Ursine Armour.esp vindictus.esp VS Archeress Noble.esp Warhammer Sorceress Robes.esp WestWindAssault.esp Witch Of The Wild.esp221 dd Bashed Patch, 0.esp Computer specs (excerpt from Dxdiag): Processor: Intel® Core i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.5GHzMemory: 32768MB RAMAvailable OS Memory: 32592MB RAMPage File: 16036MB used, 16756MB available ---------------Display Devices---------------Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti ( 2 cards in SLI)Manufacturer: NVIDIAChip type: GeForce GTX 980 TiDAC type: Integrated RAMDACDevice Type: Full DeviceDisplay Memory: 22293 MBDedicated Memory: 5997 MBShared Memory: 16296 MBCurrent Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)Monitor Name: Generic PnP MonitorMonitor Model: FS2434Monitor Id: ENC2634Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LordSengir Posted January 20, 2017 Author Share Posted January 20, 2017 Nevermind I finally found the problem. It was either the mesh or the textures from a fern mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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