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How to get an NPC to forcegreet the player?

Guest Messenjah

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Guest Messenjah

So, I'm trying to get an NPC to forcegreet the player....


Basically, I have a dancer that will perform a lap dance for the player and then needs to forcegreet the player once the dance is done to finish the quest and complete the dialogue involved. The script for the dance itself is linked to a special couch that is being used as an activator with a GameMode script.


Anyway, at the end of the script, I have a timer that, at the end should cause the NPC to forcegreet the player.


Here is the exerpt of the script info I'm running on the couch to forcegreet the player:

StartConversation Player, FFDanceEnd


I believe the problem is that, because it runs on the couch, it doesn't tell what NPC will forcegreet the player, it just says to forcegreet the player. I do however have the topic linked to an NPC but it still will not run.


Just in case my problem is related to the full couch script:


scn FFLapDanceCouch

short PrivateStrip
Short StripState
short BJState
short BJCounter
float BJTimer
float PrivateStripTimer

Begin OnActivate

If (isActionRef Player == 1) && (GetStage FFDancerQuest == 50) && (PrivateStrip == 0)
	set PrivateStrip to 1

Begin GameMode
If (PrivateStrip == 1) && (player.IsCurrentFurnitureObj LapDanceCouch) && (player.getsitting == 3)
If (PrivateStrip == 1) && (GetPlayerControlsDisabled) && (PrivateStripTimer < 30)
	set PrivateStripTimer to PrivateStripTimer + GetSecondsPassed
elseif (PrivateStrip == 1) && (GetPlayerControlsDisabled) && (PrivateStripTimer >= 30)
	set PrivateStrip to 2
	Set PrivateStripTimer to 0
	Set PrivateStripTimer to PrivateStripTimer
	StartConversation Player, FFDanceEnd

If (BJState == 1)
	Set BJTimer to BJTimer + GetSecondsPassed
	If BJCounter < 1
		Set BJCounter to 1
	ElseIf (BJCounter == 1) && (BJTimer >= 5)
		PlaySound AMBGomorrahProstSleep
		ApplyImageSpaceModifier BlackSexISFX
		Set BJCounter to 2
	Elseif (BJCounter == 2) && (BJTimer >= 11)
		PlaySound AMBGomorrahProstSleep
		Set BJCounter to 3
	Elseif (BJCounter == 3) && (BJTimer >= 17)
		RemoveImageSpaceModifier BlackSexISFX
		ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeInFromBlack4sISFX
		Set BJTimer to 0
		Set BJCounter to 0
		Set BJState to 0
		Set BJTimer to BJTimer
		StartConversation Player, FFDanceBJGoodbye



NOTE: I have noticed that for some odd reason, the script has been very problematic. So, I'm not completely certain what is going on.

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If the problem is that the script isn't telling the game which NPC is supposed to start the conversation. Give the NPC a reference name and then use that reference name to tell the script who should start the conversation.


So for instance...


NPCStripperREF.StartConversation Player, FFDanceEnd

Edited by joshua121
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Guest Messenjah
Doh! Can't believe I overlooked that idea! Thanks a lot! Getting tired as it is my first week of my 4th semester of college. :) Will try it in the morning.
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Sorry, offtopic here! Im curious if you are from USA, do you compare College as an alternative name for University or is it a different education establishment?


I am from the UK you see and University and College are differnet.


College is first then University is the norm unless you stay in High school to do higher education that is College standard.


Sorry to go off topic :P

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