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Weird sensitivity issue that i don't know cause of


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Hey all, I'm having another issue with new vegas. My mouse sensitivity in first person tanks, my characters view does not move much when i move my mouse, and there's no viewmodel. when i use ironsights, the viewmodel does appear, but not all of it, as if the gun is positioned differently. this happens whether or not my gun is holstered, and starting a new game does not get rid of the issue. It started when i installed the dynamic crosshair and fps crosshair mods (Along with other ones but i can't remember when) so i tried removing them, but it did not fix the issue.


Load order (Sorted in LOOT)

0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
12 c FreesideOpen.esm
13 d New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
14 e IWR.esm
15 f Run the Lucky 38.esm
16 10 ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
17 11 Lucky38Suite_Reloaded.esm
18 12 ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
19 13 FCOMaster.esm
20 14 Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
21 15 domecity.esm
22 16 NVR-Strip.esm
23 17 D.E.I.M.O.S..esm
24 18 NevadaSkies.esm
25 19 Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
26 1a SomeguySeries.esm
27 1b YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
28 1c Better Game Performance.esp
29 1d Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp
30 1e SierraMadrev3.0.esp
31 1f NVR-Version_10.esp
32 20 Vurt's WFO.esp
33 21 Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
34 22 All Vending Codes - Dead Money.esp
35 23 Better Sierra Madre Casino.esp
36 24 Caesar Brotherhood.esp
37 25 CASM with MCM.esp
38 26 christinecos.esp
39 27 New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
40 28 FCO - NPC Changes.esp
41 29 New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esp
42 2a The Lucky 38 Empire.esp
43 2b outsidebets.esp
44 2c FreesideOpenPatch.esp
45 2d Factions Reloaded Legion.esp
46 2e CNR_Beta.esp
47 2f EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
48 30 IMPACT.esp
49 31 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
50 32 Dead Money - Automatic Rifle fix.esp
51 33 Dead Money essential companions.esp
52 34 FCO - GlowingOne.esp
53 35 FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
FCO - Russell.esp
54 36 FOVSlider.esp
55 37 ILO - D.E.I.M.O.S.esp
56 38 ILO - Nevada Skies Patch.esp
57 39 ILO - YUP Patch.esp
58 3a Immersive Karma.esp
59 3b kochandbohr.esp
60 3c MojaveDelight.esp
61 3d NevadaSkies - Blueberry Nights.esp
62 3e TheInheritance.esp
63 3f NewVegasBountiesIII.esp
64 40 PerkEveryLevel.esp
65 41 populatedcasino-medium.esp
66 42 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
67 43 Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp
68 44 Alternative Start.esp
69 45 IWR - Rebuilt.esp
70 46 CCO - Ulysses Companion.esp
71 47 Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp
72 48 NVR-NPCs.esp
73 49 SMOTS-EC patch.esp
75 4b uylssesbarksfix.esp
76 4c NewVegasBounties.esp
77 4d NewVegasBountiesII.esp
78 4e IncreasedLegion1_1.esp
79 4f athornysituation.esp
80 50 Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp
81 51 AutumnLeaves.esp
82 52 awilderwasteland.esp
83 53 LegionCommander.esp
84 54 lucky38mapmarker.esp
85 55 ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp
86 56 ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp
87 57 nu_women_of_the_wasteland.esp
88 58 UnlimitedCompanions.esp
89 59 UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp
NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp
90 5a NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp
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What brand and model of mouse are you using? If a Logitech brand, see "this entry" about Logitech drivers in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" wiki guide.


Do you have a game controller (XBox or otherwise) plugged in? See "this entry" on Game Controllers in the same wiki article.


Mods can overwrite files when they are installed. Simply "deactivating" them is not necessarily enough to remove their influence. You would need to restore the vanilla files they overwrote. (Depends upon how your mod manager works.) You can do this either manually by looking at what the mod installed, or by using the Steam Client "verify local files" option and then re-installing all your other mods.



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What brand and model of mouse are you using? If a Logitech brand, see "this entry" about Logitech drivers in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" wiki guide.


Do you have a game controller (XBox or otherwise) plugged in? See "this entry" on Game Controllers in the same wiki article.


Mods can overwrite files when they are installed. Simply "deactivating" them is not necessarily enough to remove their influence. You would need to restore the vanilla files they overwrote. (Depends upon how your mod manager works.) You can do this either manually by looking at what the mod installed, or by using the Steam Client "verify local files" option and then re-installing all your other mods.







I'm using a Steelseries mouse, and i do have a controller plugged in, but i have it turned off in the fallout new vegas settings. I also fully deleted the mods from my hard drive, do i need to do more than that?

Edited by WheatleyDarkLord
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What brand and model of mouse are you using? If a Logitech brand, see "this entry" about Logitech drivers in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" wiki guide.


Do you have a game controller (XBox or otherwise) plugged in? See "this entry" on Game Controllers in the same wiki article.


Mods can overwrite files when they are installed. Simply "deactivating" them is not necessarily enough to remove their influence. You would need to restore the vanilla files they overwrote. (Depends upon how your mod manager works.) You can do this either manually by looking at what the mod installed, or by using the Steam Client "verify local files" option and then re-installing all your other mods.



I also am only having the issue when in first person, going to third person fixes it

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You may have disabled the controller in settings, but the game still detects the hardware. Try unplugging it and see what the impact is.


Also, sometimes the game has fits with "advanced feature" on mouse drivers (even those other than Logitech). It's expecting "plain vanilla Microsoft". Try turning off advanced features like "snap to grid", "snap to button", etc. If that clears up the problem, then you can enable and test them one at a time again.


I realize this is after the fact, but no need to delete mods. Just uninstall them from the game "Data" folder. Just part of the reason why you should download mods to one location, and then install them to another.



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