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The World Without Humans


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about the end of the world if the nuclear waste wasen't all stored up on yucca mountian

america animals are sc***ed though i'm not sure were you european dudes are going to store

your toxic waste.but if any thing evolves to something close to humans it probably would be orangatans. :confused: and the problem with global warming, toxic uranium waste and just generaly trashing the planet. would occur all over agin if there was anything intelligent as humans in small numbers though wouldn't be as bad.and you probably couldn't kill all human life on earth without totally destroing the earth, there are research stations in anartica,bunkers all over the place,the austrian outback has people that don't even see other people for years at a time,heck even lobster ships in the pacific are isolated for long long periods of time.my point is desise wont kill us off there are too many isolated people,that wouldn't come in contact with other people. meaning that we they wouldn't die.yea big comfort for the rest of us.......


it would be pretty cool to be the last person on earth though..... :closedeyes:

a little lonely but pretty cool.

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If there were no humans on Earth, then I guess it would only be a matter of time and random luck until another mammal, avian or insect develops a large enough brain. If we think of this in evolutionary terms, the system generally screws up somewhere. That creature gains a huge advantage, and wipes out all the others.
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It has happened before it will happen again, such is the cycles, of existence .. Civilisations rise and fall..Nature is ignored and She recycles the humyns that thought to ignore Her warnings to shape up..and then it starts all over again, for those that want to incarnate back here that is, for those that do not, they go to other places, humyn beings are not the only sentient races in the Universe out of billions of worlds and universes...to think so is naive..as i see it..

There are other places to go..other rounds to make on the souls cycles of learning..The humyn form is but one form, and when it passes, it may return it may not, a new more advanced form may take its place..Who knows..IMNSHO

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In the end mammals will all perish,and then the true rulers will again take their place on this planet. The insects. With the earth replenishing its forests and other eco systems,the insect will again become huge in size and who knows,maybe even sentinent!


The climate would have to change radically for insects to get anywhere near as big as their ancestors. i think oxygen levels would have to raise to something like 35% of our atmosphere.

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Well, little to add, but some observation: Nearly all people in this thread (avoiding to say all just in case I missed something) seem to share the view that there is a general dividing line between mankind and nature, which is rather strange given that we're basically talking about evolution, be it in a speculative way. Biologically we do not descend from apes, we are just one specific kind of. The dividing line simply doesn't exist. Perhaps due for a strike here, but basically that is just a residue of religious notions in secular thought. Ok, let's keep it at that, flame war probably just around the corner.


On a lighter note: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089869/


cm, naked ape of reason

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I think it really dpnds on what world were talking about, If humans vanished from my wold then nothing would chnge as there are no humans there.


If you talking about earth, then doubtlessly, the aliens woudl come agin nd we would go right back to the stone age. Or in few thousands years another asteroid would come and we would start over, Furthermore it also depends on wht you view as being alive. and what intelligent life is. Personally i think that some animals are smarter than some humans.


In the end mother nature will win, just wait for 5 billion more years and the sun will expand until the earth is a burnt chicken leg. at that point even the robots are done for, poor WALLE.

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