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COC console command not working


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Not sure if this is the right place. I'll repost it, just let me know. But I built a landscape edit called "TestDew" in the Creation Kit. It is a ".esp" file. When I go into Skyrim, I type in "coc TestDew" and it doesn't do anything. I have both "Skyrim.esm" and "Update.esm" as the master files in the Creation Kit. I have enabled it both in NexusMod Manager and also in the Bethesda Mod thing in-game. I'm not sure what is happening.

This also doesn't work if I type in "CenterOnCell"

I appreciate any help and let me know if you guys need more info :smile:

EDIT: Do I have to be far enough into a save file? Because I've only just got into Riverwood but idk if that means anything
Edited by BeestMann
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