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Constant Drain Health Effect


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I am using SkyEdit to modify certain magic effects/spells.


I am trying to figure out how to apply an effect to constantly drain the health of the player character but none of the built in effects seem to work. I need the SPEL to be considered to be an ability, and as long as the conditions are met, I need the effect to drain the health of the user such that if the conditions for the effect aren't avoided it will kill the player. So far, NONE of the effects I can find work except DAMAGE health. But damage health reduces the health of the player by a certain amount, it doesn't constantly drain. I need it to drain over time.


Any help figuring this out would be much appreciated.


To sum it as easy as possible.


I need a SPEL that's applied as an ability (so it's always active) that drains <magnitude> of health from the player every second until the player dies, or the conditions for the effect are no longer met.




- MM

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Did you look at the poison effects? You could just make a version that lasts forever...


Hey Sunnie,


I tried applying the poison effect, changing duration and magnitudes, etc,. but could never get it to actually take affect. That seems to be the challenge I'm running into in getting it applied as an ability.



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Did you look at the poison effects? You could just make a version that lasts forever...


Hey Sunnie,


I tried applying the poison effect, changing duration and magnitudes, etc,. but could never get it to actually take affect. That seems to be the challenge I'm running into in getting it applied as an ability.



Don't apply it as an ability, apply it as a detrimental effect like normal. You will likely need to control it via a script or quest for what you are trying to do, but it needs to be a detrimental effect not an ability.

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Did you look at the poison effects? You could just make a version that lasts forever...


Hey Sunnie,


I tried applying the poison effect, changing duration and magnitudes, etc,. but could never get it to actually take affect. That seems to be the challenge I'm running into in getting it applied as an ability.



Don't apply it as an ability, apply it as a detrimental effect like normal. You will likely need to control it via a script or quest for what you are trying to do, but it needs to be a detrimental effect not an ability.


Do you mean in the SPEL or the MGEF? To be straight blunt, I'm trying to apply a constant rate of damage when in the sunlight. I'm using the VampireSunDamage01 as my SPEL. The Health, Stamina, and Magic regen modifiers all work. Adding on any one of the various types of MGEF which one might infer would cause constant rate of damage (not just lowering the health a specific value) doesn't appear to work. I've tried crafting the effects by hand but admittedly I don't know what all of the MGEF properties do, especially the "UNK" props.


Thanks for your interest!



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I figured this out as an Ability (required because it's a constant effect without a duration that can't show up as a spell to cast). Here are the settings for those interested:



EditorId: ConstantDamageToHealth

SpellName: WhateverYouWant

Description: Damages Health Constantly

Equipment Slot: EitherHand


Spell Flags: 0x0000

Cost: 0

SpellType: Ability

CastType: CastType0

CastAnim: None

Cast Time: 0.5

Uknown1: 0

Uknown2: 0

Effect: YourDamageEffectHere



EditorID: ConstantDamageHealthEffect

ItemName: Constant Damage Health Descprition Here

Description: Whatever you want to describe here

School: None

Type: None

Base Cost: 1

Skill: 0

Unk 1: 0x00000000

Unk 2 - 6, 8 and 13-15: 0

Unk 9: -1

Unk 10: 1

Actor Value: Health

Link Rec Type: 0

Effect Play Rate: 0

Cast: None


Tic the following: Hostile, Detrimental, 0x1000


Hope that helps someone else out. This took me a while.


Additionally, while testing I relearned a valuable lesson. Modifying descriptions, and pre-existing magnitude, durations, area values on SPELs will take effect immediately. ADDING additional effects to PREEXISTING spels already applied to the player must have the spell removed (player.removespell <spellid>) and then added back (player.addspell <spellid>) to take affect.



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Argh.... another roadblock. The condition of the SPEL allows me to control when the effect is applied, but for some reason the game engine considers that you're taking damage even when the condition isn't evaluated to TRUE and you're not taking any damage. Any thoughts? Is there an unknown flag that controls this on the effect?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Argh.... another roadblock. The condition of the SPEL allows me to control when the effect is applied, but for some reason the game engine considers that you're taking damage even when the condition isn't evaluated to TRUE and you're not taking any damage. Any thoughts? Is there an unknown flag that controls this on the effect?


I have worked around the second problem WITHOUT a script that basically requires two spells and one perk.


Spell 1) Applies an effect, only under certain conditions. The effect is Perk2.

Perk 2) Is simply a spell perk that simply casts Spell 3.

Spell 3) Applies the constant drain


Both Spell 1 and Spell 2 are abilities created just as I explained previously except for the effect they use.



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