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Newbie, Skyrim Object porting....help.


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Hi. I'm sure this has been asked before but there are soo many threads and blogs all over the internet, I would like some human involvement to help me. I've made some simple items for Skyrim, gems basically to include in my mod. I need to port them to skyrim, and also make textures from scratch and am having a hard time finding where to go from here. I have the blend models, I even added materials and made them look cool in blender. Is there anyway I can port my objects to Skyrim and somehow convert the materials to textures so they look the same as in Blender? I am really new at blender and feeling proud just for making what I did already.


I can use Nifskope to open the objects I'm replacing in game to get comparisons but that's as far as my skill with nifskope goes. The objects I've made have no textures, I have applied materials in blender to see how I want them to look, not I need to figure how to make the textures, and I need to prepare the models and textures (after I learn how to make them) into Skyrim. I've read the materials are useless, obviously they are not dds files.


I am unsure what steps to take from here, like I said there are so many threads and I want to make sure I don't miss any steps. I would like up to date information.

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