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Kick attack while having gun equipped


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So I was thinking about it... and if I was being attacked by a bunch of vicious wasteland dogs, and had a pistol in my hand, I don't think I would just shoot them repeatedly while letting them bite me. I would try to kick the good and hard, to push them away, so I could shoot them easier... plus so they couldn't bite me... cause getting bit hurts.



The aim of the mod would be simple. Press a key, and do a forward kick attack which pushes whatever it hits back; the amount of pushback, and wether you could push back larger targets, would be determined by yout Strength and Unarmed skill.


I'm not sure if you would have to make a kick animation from scratch, or if it'd be possible or allowed to use an animation from Unarmed Rearmed ( not actually sure if any of the kicks there would fit ). I guess you could also use a regular punch animation, but with your weapon in your hand, though the kick would arguably be cooler. Even cooler still, if when holding a rifle or combat shotgun you did a rifle butt.


This sort of thing would just be fun in general, but would defenitely help when using some of those mods that increase spawn numbers/make the game more difficult, giving you a way to get some breathing room.


Also, I like when things use up action points, so this using up action points would be neat too...means you gotta pick between this and VATS, which is always fun.


So yeah... if anyone were to make this... that would be pretty cool.

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