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[LE] Papyrus OnEffectStart and Quest Alias question


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I run basically this part of a script in an oneffectstart magic spell script


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
int I = 6
While (I > 0) 
I -= 1 ;Count Down
RefAlias = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
aRefSpot = RefAlias.GetReference()
;If (RefAlias as bool && RefAlias.ForceRefIfEmpty(akTarget as ObjectReference)) ; this line didn't seem to work
if (RefAlias == "None" || aRefSpot == "None") ; this line works but the next didnt
RefAlias.ForceRefTo(akTarget as ObjectReference) ; this does not seem to update the quest Alias
Debug.notification("Target  has been effected with I being " + I + "   Target is  " +akTarget )
I = 0
The script seems to run but when cast on the target the quest never seems to fill the Alias ?
The Quest has 6 reference Alias positions to store an actor.
My question I guess is is there something about the Magic Effect script that causes ForceRefIfEmpty or ForceRefTo commands to not work as expected ?
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My question I guess is is there something about the Magic Effect script that causes ForceRefIfEmpty or ForceRefTo commands to not work as expected ?


No , your script is the problem here. You do not even end the While for starters.


Let me give you a few ideas.

Use the while to find an empty Alias to force the actor into. There is no reason to include the "Actor Target" in the While.

Quest Property SleepQuest Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

int I = -1
ReferenceAlias BigMan
Actor Givemeabreak

; This will cycle until Bigman is empty or until you have checked all 6 aliases. They Start at 0.
While I < 5
I += 1
BigMan = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
Givemeabreak = Bigman.GetReference() As Actor
  If Givemeabreak
    If Givemeabreak == aktarget
      Return ;If your target is already an Alias this will end the function.
    I = 5

;When the while ends bigman should be empty, then you fill it.  
Edited by Masterofnet
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The Quest has 6 reference Alias positions to store an actor.

Assuming you're trying to fill an empty reference each time the spell is cast try this:

Quest Property SleepQuest Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    int I = 6
    While (I > 0) 
        I -= 1 ;Count Down
        ReferenceAlias RefAlias = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
        if RefAlias && !RefAlias.GetReference()
            Debug.notification("Target  has been effected with I being " + I + "   Target is  " +akTarget )
            I = 0

GetReference() will never return "None" (and neither will GetAlias). They return objects not strings. The comparison line above should be read as "if there's a reference alias and it isn't filled with something already" which could also have been written "if RefAlias != None && RefAlias.GetReference() == None".


If there's a possibility of the spell being used on the same target two times in a row you might want to make sure that target isn't already in one of the aliases before forcing it into one.

Quest Property SleepQuest Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    int I = 6
    ReferenceAlias FirstEmptyAlias 
    While (I > 0) 
        I -= 1 ;Count Down
        ReferenceAlias RefAlias = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
        if RefAlias
            ObjectReference CurrentRef = RefAlias.GetReference()
            if !FirstEmptyAlias && !CurrentRef  ; found the first empty slot
                 FirstEmptyAlias = RefAlias
            elseif CurrentRef == akTarget  ; found the target already in an alias
                 FirstEmptyAlias = None
                 I = 0
   if FirstEmptyAlias 
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First let me thank everyone for helping. cdcooley , Masterofnet

Ok I played with all the above as was and they didn't work ? ??

I was trying Basically this when I left off

Scriptname SleepPackage extends activemagiceffect  
Quest Property SleepQuest Auto
Faction Property SleeperFaction Auto
ReferenceAlias Property FirstEmptyAlias  Auto Hidden
ReferenceAlias RefAlias

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    int I = 6
    While (I > 0) 
        I -= 1 ;Count Down
         RefAlias = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
     Debug.notification("Subject in Slot "+ RefAlias + " Spelll at count " + I)
        if RefAlias
            ObjectReference CurrentRef = RefAlias.GetReference()
            if !FirstEmptyAlias && !CurrentRef  ; found the first empty slot
                 FirstEmptyAlias = RefAlias
        Debug.notification("First Empty Slotl " + I)
            elseif CurrentRef == akTarget  ; found the target already in an alias
        Debug.notification("This Subject already inffected by the spell " + I)
                 FirstEmptyAlias = None
                 I = 0
        debug.notification("Slot " + I +" Filled somehow but not with this target" )
   if FirstEmptyAlias 
   debug.notification("Subject was inffected by the spell " + I)
debug.notification("Subject not inffected by the spell "+ akTarget)



My debugs show that the script cycles saying each Subject in Slot None Spelll at count 5 down to 0

then I get my debug at the end which says Subject not inffected by the spell Actor

Maybe its my quest setup ? Here is one of the Aliases in the quest


Edited by silhouett
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Your "SleepQuest.GetAlias(I)" call failed to return a reference alias. It's possible you created aliases deleted them then created more. The CK assigns each alias you create a number, but it doesn't reuse those numbers later. Look on the window with the list of all aliases for the quest and expand one of the collapsed columns to see the actual alias numbers being used. If they aren't 0 to 5 you'll need to alter your script's loop to match.

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The person does not need a new script. They are not even returning a referencealias. They need to get a better understanding of what they are doing.

Quest Property SleepQuest Auto
ReferenceAlias BigMan
Actor Givemeabreak

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

int I = 0

; This will cycle until Bigman is empty or until you have checked all 6 aliases. They Start at 0.
While I < 6
BigMan = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
Givemeabreak = Bigman.GetReference() As Actor
I += 1
  If Givemeabreak
    If Givemeabreak == aktarget
      Return ;If your target is already an Alias this will end the function.
    I = 6

;When the while ends bigman should be empty, then you fill it.  
Edited by Masterofnet
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Well Masterofnet that script did nothing new., I really appreciate the help but you should know this is not my first rodeo, I do not claim to know everything but I do know some

and have written many mods including Quest and Alias mods. Something is not performing as expected and this is my first time using an Alias in a magic effect script.
Your script I inserted debugs below and I got this for messages. I get that repeated even with the same actor hitting the spell multiple times,


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

int I = -1
ReferenceAlias BigMan
Actor Givemeabreak

; This will cycle until Bigman is empty or until you have checked all 6 aliases. They Start at 0.
While I < 5
I += 1
BigMan = SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) as ReferenceAlias
Givemeabreak = Bigman.GetReference() As Actor
  If Givemeabreak
    If Givemeabreak == aktarget
Debug.notification("Target already an Alias")
      Return ;If your target is already an Alias this will end the function.
    I = 5

;When the while ends bigman should be empty, then you fill it.  
Debug.notification("Target being given an Alias")

Debug.notification("Target Bigman "+ Bigman)

Edited by silhouett
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Well Masterofnet that script did nothing new., I really appreciate the help but you should know this is not my first rodeo, I do not claim to know everything but I do know some

and have written many mods including Quest and Alias mods. Something is not performing as expected and this is my first time using an Alias in a magic effect script.

Your script I inserted debugs below and I got this for messages



That is because you are not even able to get a referencealias. It has nothing to do with the script.


With all do respect you are acting like you have never even seen the kit before. Your first script was something a 5 year old would have come up with. After seeing that I am sure the something that is not working is your work. LOL


Since you have shown some initiative I will help you. Run this and lets see what is going on.


BTW - Someone who was not in there first rodeo would not be running these tests on a start game enabled quest and would have been able to run down the mysterious "something" that is not working hours ago.

ReferenceAlias Property YourAlias Auto; Fill this with the alias from your quest at the 0 location.
Quest Properly YourQuest Auto 
ReferenceAlias BigMan
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

BigMan = SleepQuest.GetAlias(1) as ReferenceAlias

If BigMan
Debug.notification("BigMan - I am not as dumb as I look")
Debug.notification("BigMan - I can not even get a refalias")


If BigMan.GetReference()
Debug.notification("BigManRef -  I might make it out of first grade!!!")
Debug.notification("BigManRef - Back to kindergarden.")

If YourAlias
Debug.notification("YourAlias - My refs seem to be wroking")
Debug.notification("YourAlias - I can not even get a refalias to work!!")


If YourAlias.GetReference()
Debug.notification("YourAlias - For some reason Get-Alias(1) No Work")
Debug.notification("YourAliasRef - I can not even get a refalias to work!!")

Debug.notification(" Someday I will get this right!! I won't give up!!!")
Edited by Masterofnet
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ReDragon2013 I ran your script as is because it did have some trace and debug stuff and I found this in the log,

SleepPackage: OnEffectStart() - target = [Actor < (28007014)>], caster = [Actor < (00000014)>]
[01/21/2017 - 06:53:21PM] SleepPackage: refAlias number 0 is <None>
[01/21/2017 - 06:53:21PM] SleepPackage: refAlias number 1 is <None>
[01/21/2017 - 06:53:21PM] SleepPackage: refAlias number 2 is <None>
[01/21/2017 - 06:53:21PM] SleepPackage: refAlias number 3 is <None>
[01/21/2017 - 06:53:21PM] SleepPackage: refAlias number 4 is <None>
[01/21/2017 - 06:53:21PM] SleepPackage: refAlias number 5 is <None>
SleepPackage: OnEffectFinish() - target = [Actor < (28007014)>], caster = [Actor < (00000014)>]
Edited by silhouett
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