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[LE] Assign Idle Marker to Activator?


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I'm trying to create a custom alter. The alter is technically for creating custom objects like a forge or workbench, but due to the items being created I want my character to kneel in front of the alter, as if praying. There are two furniture forms with a kneeling marker, but neither of those two furniture forms have a viewable world object. They are more like a sandboxing option classified as furniture for the npcs to use such as greybeards and monks and such. I can use the furniture forms as a crafting table, but there is no viewable object to activate. The object I want to use for a world model is a stone. So I want the character to activate the stone, kneel, then the crafting menu should open. I've already created the alter with the crafting menu succesfully and it all worked when activating the stone, but without kneeling. Trouble is, to make a crafting table of any kind it has to be furniture, and you cannot add or delete markers from furniture.


So How can I attach an activator to the kneeling "furniture" form?


It would be the same as making my character use a crafting table after pulling a lever. All the crafting stations in game are classified as furniture in Creation Kit. All of them have their own idle marker, which cannot be changed. If I try to change the world object in any of those furniture forms, I loose the idle marker. The kneeling furniture form can be used as a crafting station, but I need to attach it to an activator with a custom world model, or find a way to attach an idle marker with a crafting script to an activator, but I don't know how. Any suggestions?


I was reading something about setting parent objects in the activators forms and I'm wondering if I could use that. If I could position the kneeling furniture piece right in front of the stone, the use the stone as an activator, and set the activator as the parent of the crafting table maybe that could work? I need a little help. This sucks, I don't knwo squat about papyrus, and the compiler seems to be too broken for a neb like me to fix and use anyway now. I'm at a loss.

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If I can't make the character kneel in front of an alter for crafting, then the other option would be to have some cool effects fire off before the crafting menu opens up. I have some ideas but I don't know how to go about it because it requires a script to work doesn't it? or is there a form I can create to add effects that will run in sequence?

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