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Niftrishapes. Triangle Errors up the Ying-Yang.


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Alright, so every attempt I've had at making a custom Bow has ended up in failure. Now the Mesh itself is fine, cleaned up, all the normals are recalculated, and everything is looking hunky-doory on the Blender-side of things. But then I try to bring it over to NifSkope and I get this Error.





Now I know I need to reposition the bow in Blender. Or transform edit it in NifSkope. But that error has popped up so many times that by now I just don't care enough to do it atm. Since everytime I get that error, Skyrim commits suicide whenever I try to load it up. And that's not when it allows it, but does insane visuals (like rays of colored light, or planes that take up the entire game screen, or random glitches that kill my CK.).


So anyone know how to fix that annoying error? Or would it just be best to avoid making bows, and stick to weapons that aren't prone to being massive bags of butts? (Btw, the Obj has been UVUnwrapped in Blender, and I do have a material image on it that shows up.).





A more clear image of the screen shot. In attachments.



Edited by TheGreatEater
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