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Issue With Third Person Camera!


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Every time, since I installed ArchiveInvalidation, or any texture mod, I cant turn my camera when trying to look at my player in third person. The game will soft-crash and get into a state where I can shoot and walk and such, and I can hear it, but all I can see is the frozen screen of me turning my camera in third person. I uploaded a video of the issue, ignore the low microphone quality for I did not optimize OBS when recording. Here's the link. (I made subtitles for it, so just look at them)



Just looking for some sort of fix, thanks -D

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Have you tried toggling between 1st and 3rd Person view modes? (Generally the first thing to try with "camera" problems.)


We need more to go on than just a "it's broke" symptom. Suggest you run through the "Checklist" in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide wiki article, and then post your "load order". In this instance it would also be helpful to know which (if any) NVSE plugins you have installed and if you are using any "post-processors" such as ENB Series of SweetFX.


Also, can you reproduce the problem anywhere, or is it only in some specific location or after certain conditions are met?


PS: It's highly unlikely to be related to ArchiveInvalidation, unless you have too many plugins active.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Sorry for the late response, I managed to turn off the problem temporarily by disabling Vsync, which I didn't even realize was enabled. However, about 15-20 minutes into the game again and it happened again, but in First person mode. I could post my load order, but all I have installed is RWD and anti stutter, one of which is not even an ESM. I have every DLC, so my load order would just be normal, with RWD at the end...


Like I said, the only NVSE plugin I have is the anti stutter and anti crash one, but I enabled them to try and fix the problem after it had already occurred...

Edited by dane47
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Take a look at the "Solutions to Performance Problems" section of the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. In addition, check the error logs (Checklist item #4) to see if there is anything there.


Also, look into the "heap size" changes under the "Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu" sub-topic in the same article.


Make sure your "vanilla load order" matches the one in the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Have you installed any "animation replacements"? (They wouldn't normally show up in the load order.)


Please do let us know what works, as this is an issue that we don't have a good handle on yet.



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