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New to CK why its not saving the changes i am doing?


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i have a house mod which i downloaded from the nexus


it had 3 floors and the lowest floor had a small greenhouse that i want to delete and instead of it have an elevator that takes be to a lower level that will be an armory


when i delete sutff like walls \ floors and get the elevator into position and save when i go into the game the walls and floors are not deleted making the elevator inaccessible


i copied the elevator from kendrall hospital cell (the one that takes you from one floor to another without changing cells)


so how can i delete the walls and make it stay so in game?


also when i load master files \ the mod or anything it give me a lot of warning ... what is that??


nothing seems wrong in the game after i save...

Edited by DrSexy
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Im afraid you have made some major mistakes so far..


You cant simply "copy" something from another location especially while in your mod cause it will "connect " your mod to that location as well..

Second ..

Simply copying the "hardware" or objects is useless if you dont have the helper and activator and their links to each other etc...




Elevators are "persistent" assets and get baked into your save game so even if you change something and try it again with the same save you wont see the changes...


Last and most important...

NEVER DELETE vanilla references...


Just select and sink them to about -3000 elevation..


Are you opening up the "markers view" ( press " M " ) ??

Without it you cant see whats connected to what or how your changes effect things..


If modding was as simple as move/deleting stuff i would have over 500 mods by now.....


The errors you see when loading the CK is because you are modding using your base game files and the CK also sees the other mods that are installed and if they have errors it will count those as well...

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Im afraid you have made some major mistakes so far..


You cant simply "copy" something from another location especially while in your mod cause it will "connect " your mod to that location as well..

Second ..

Simply copying the "hardware" or objects is useless if you dont have the helper and activator and their links to each other etc...




Elevators are "persistent" assets and get baked into your save game so even if you change something and try it again with the same save you wont see the changes...


Last and most important...

NEVER DELETE vanilla references...


Just select and sink them to about -3000 elevation..


Are you opening up the "markers view" ( press " M " ) ??

Without it you cant see whats connected to what or how your changes effect things..


If modding was as simple as move/deleting stuff i would have over 500 mods by now.....


The errors you see when loading the CK is because you are modding using your base game files and the CK also sees the other mods that are installed and if they have errors it will count those as well...

thank you for the comment


well first quastion. why it doesnt save the changes i make?


exmaple :

>i load fallout base and the "mode".esp as active plugin

>load the modded cell

>make changes and save

here is the thing , only the things i add in are saved , if i delete some walls or floors that were present in the original "mode".esp they just reappear in the game with the edited stuff ,resulting for example an elevator that is blocked by a floor or wall that were in the original "mod"

if i re open the creation kit again after i exited the game disappointed the edited cell looks fine , its just that in game it looks like it uses the old "unedited mod" mixed with the stuff i added but without the stuff i deleted.


also i understand the stuff would be associated but the thing is its just an elevator that takes you from one place to another (in the same cell)


i checked it and it works well (if i clip trough the wall to call the elevator and use it lol...)


also about the "-3000 elevation" i noticed some cells have distant stuff that is unrelated to the cell ? is it something the developers used to like design the cell lay out ? (for example in kendral hospital there were a distant out side building model of it)


thank you for your post all i really want is to take 1 mod delete some stuff add an elevator that lead me to a big empty room : )

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Like i said some stuff is "persistent" this isnt just a word im using...its a FLAG that is attached to several items/objects in the game or even a mod.

This means that their position or very existence in the game gets baked into your save and even though you may have deleted it in the CK ...Your save still has its data.


Another reason for some things still showing is caused by scrapping mods like "spring cleaning "


In the case of spring cleaning you need to patch to latest version and make sure its LAST in your load order.

If you like send me the mod as you have it edited and ill take a look because you might not be telling me what i need to know so i can better help you.

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Like i said some stuff is "persistent" this isnt just a word im using...its a FLAG that is attached to several items/objects in the game or even a mod.

This means that their position or very existence in the game gets baked into your save and even though you may have deleted it in the CK ...Your save still has its data.


Another reason for some things still showing is caused by scrapping mods like "spring cleaning "


In the case of spring cleaning you need to patch to latest version and make sure its LAST in your load order.

If you like send me the mod as you have it edited and ill take a look because you might not be telling me what i need to know so i can better help you.

btw the low resolution model of a building is a L.O.D. model that is used to see certain objects from far away without actually loading all of its details and straining our system resources like the ram...

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Like i said some stuff is "persistent" this isnt just a word im using...its a FLAG that is attached to several items/objects in the game or even a mod.

This means that their position or very existence in the game gets baked into your save and even though you may have deleted it in the CK ...Your save still has its data.


Another reason for some things still showing is caused by scrapping mods like "spring cleaning "


In the case of spring cleaning you need to patch to latest version and make sure its LAST in your load order.

If you like send me the mod as you have it edited and ill take a look because you might not be telling me what i need to know so i can better help you.

so what is the solution if i want to make the changes why the floors and walls in the mod wont get deleted from the mod.

even when i delete the mod , save then apply the changes and then load it again .

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Does the mod you are trying to edit have a "Meshes\Precombined" folder? If so, you'll have to tell the CK to rebuild the precombined meshes and previs. You could also disable it using xEdit, but if it's a large house with a fair amount of clutter, that might cause performance issues (and potentially other visual bugs, depending on if the mod author attempted to use roombounds and portals before using the previs system. It's really best to use roombounds over previs for interior cells when making a mod, but it takes a lot more work (both learning and implementing, as evidenced by the people working at Bethesda did a s#*! job with roombounds, and just covered it up with previs :tongue:).


The reason it matters is that precombined meshes are essentially mesh collections whose location info is stored in the plugin, and so they will still show up even if the original placed object isn't there. That's a big part of the problem people were having with Spring Cleaning that greekrage mentioned. Normally, the act of editing a record that is part of a precombined mesh will cause it to turn off automatically, but I'm not sure if that would be the case if you are deleting the original records and not marking a record as deleted in a following plugin.


You also want to check for any records marked as "persistent". Not sure how it looks in the CK, but if you open the plugin in FO4Edit, the cell should have a section marked "Presistent" and one marked "Temporary". Anything in the "Persistent" section would, as greekrage mentioned, stay in your save file even if you remove it from the plugin. It's the reason that, if you use a mod that moves a settlement's workbench after having visited that location, the workbench will still be in its original location.

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Like i said some stuff is "persistent" this isnt just a word im using...its a FLAG that is attached to several items/objects in the game or even a mod.

This means that their position or very existence in the game gets baked into your save and even though you may have deleted it in the CK ...Your save still has its data.


Another reason for some things still showing is caused by scrapping mods like "spring cleaning "


In the case of spring cleaning you need to patch to latest version and make sure its LAST in your load order.

If you like send me the mod as you have it edited and ill take a look because you might not be telling me what i need to know so i can better help you.

so what is the solution if i want to make the changes why the floors and walls in the mod wont get deleted from the mod.

even when i delete the mod , save then apply the changes and then load it again .


You still dont understand...


The changes you make ARE SAVED IN THE MOD as they should be but your in game SAVE still shows the OLD data...for the reasons we explained. ( you are confusing the save of the mod and the saved game as a user/player)

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