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Retail New Vegas Loads with No Sound and Severe Lag


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Refresher, My phone here is acting up, we have very bad weather currently. Wet wet weather.


IF it is an Nmm issue? plan to run the game raw directly from steam for a while, get at least an hour into the game if possible?


then reboot that PC.

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Yeah we have terrible weather where I am at too. I tried raw launching from steam first I believe. Then I tried NMM and NVSE. I wonder if it just might be an issue with the beginning sequences of the game. I'll try to launch from steam, progress through the opening sequences, and then make a hard save, reboot, and load up again.


I can't thank you enough mate for all the assistance.

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Yeah we have terrible weather where I am at too. I tried raw launching from steam first I believe. Then I tried NMM and NVSE. I wonder if it just might be an issue with the beginning sequences of the game. I'll try to launch from steam, progress through the opening sequences, and then make a hard save, reboot, and load up again.


I can't thank you enough mate for all the assistance.

Keep in mind, some women know how to really cook.


hope the out come of this meal tastes good? :laugh:

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Lol, me too! So finished the opening sequence. I let all quests and other misc. things load, and then I created a hard save. Restarted the PC and loaded the game with no change.


The problem seems to start whenever I click on "Continue" or "New Game" from the Main Menu. Just as it starts to load a game or start a new one, I lose all sound.....interesting side note, the opening video that plays whenever a new game is started has full audio and no issues with it. It is just when the loading screen pops up that I notice the problem starting. I don't know if this narrows down the field of possible problems or not :confused:

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Lol, me too! So finished the opening sequence. I let all quests and other misc. things load, and then I created a hard save. Restarted the PC and loaded the game with no change.


The problem seems to start whenever I click on "Continue" or "New Game" from the Main Menu. Just as it starts to load a game or start a new one, I lose all sound.....interesting side note, the opening video that plays whenever a new game is started has full audio and no issues with it. It is just when the loading screen pops up that I notice the problem starting. I don't know if this narrows down the field of possible problems or not :confused:

That indicates windows did not allow all the data to install correctly, during an update or antivirus built in is targeting some codecs windows is removing.

To Eliminate windows, use steams application to uninstall the game from where it's at completely, close down steam completely, reboot, run steam or allow it to load on it's own and then allow steam to reinstall that games software.


From the start, you used "from what I believe? " a CD rom to get things installed, once it is registered on steams forums, their system, you own the game and are Eligible for that downloaded distribution game.


But make sure before you do all of this, you clean up the system, that includes a temp folder as well, you can use ccleaner, a free app to do this or you can before using steam, use any other methods to clean up the PC's hard drives registry entries.


If the game is uninstalled? Windows will allow the data held under permissions to be removed. IF it is not uninstalled? windows will not allow removal of the games entries as well as Blacklisted items it is removing...IF the game is not there? thee is no reason to keep that list and ccleaner will remove it, windows has and always will be sloppy on removing things, it leaves behind.

Bottom line here is your install is corrupted by windows. I bet, that CD injected DRM protocols onto the system.


once the game has been reinstalled ? open it's steam properties and tab where the game is installed at and refresh the game cache.

Been there, that's how I know.


If steam is the only program doing the work, then steam can fix the problems.

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That makes sense. Only problem is that I have terrible internet at home. We are talking 1 Mnps up/download speeds and that is at its best. This is a 9 GB install, so it'll take several hours for it to complete. I'll run it overnight tonight and hope it is finished by mid-day tomorrow.


Better it's NV and not FO4 with over 35 GB lol.

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That makes sense. Only problem is that I have terrible internet at home. We are talking 1 Mnps up/download speeds and that is at its best. This is a 9 GB install, so it'll take several hours for it to complete. I'll run it overnight tonight and hope it is finished by mid-day tomorrow.


Better it's NV and not FO4 with over 35 GB lol.

If you owned a smart phone, preferred Galaxy type, you could use it instead of that IP to so all of this work.


I don't know about issues dealing with Not able to afford things..but it is an alternative?


Too many things can go wrong on a slow IP.


The sound thing you hear is Embedded with in the Bink file used for that opening scene, it's not a loose file format. kinda like an avi contains the code.


About sound: what I know about windows 10 and their media crap is they want you to pay for media, that ability to watch movies, listen to music, all sorts of neat ways "they" can make money from the consumer.


They go so far as to Boldly state that in the open to the public too.


They can not kill off steam, it's also to their best interest to not do that.


If you own a lap top and an external Hdd / usb drive ? say a flash drive...you can install steam onto it, that flash drive and then go to an internet cafe and run the application from the laptop and have that game in stalled in under an hour....Just ideas.


I can afford things so I forget IP issues others have.

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Read the Box and it's art, look for what it say's is protecting the Ip, it's security used?


If you see "SecurRom" anywhere? that's why and what is causing these issues.


Windows 10 WILL not allow that to install.

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