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Black Sacrament Armor in Skyrim SE


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I'm trying to play the above mod in Skyrim Special Edition.


Really need your help with this mod. I'm playing in Skyrim SE. I've just done a complete and total clean installation of the game. I was having the trouble with everything except for the curiass being invisible when equipping this armor. I saw that a manual installation seemed to fix the problem for some. Whenever I manually install this mod (drag everything from the download/extract into my Data folder) Skyrim will no longer start. The launcher comes up, I hit play, and nothing ever happens after that. Please assist me in getting this mod to fully function in Skyrim SE please as I love this mod. Thanks. I tested this with no other mods installed so far so this is the mod that is causing this for sure. The game works fine after a clean install without this installed manually.

Is there a known fix for the invisible parts issue with Skyrim SE for this mod?

Edited by PrincessAmysDragons
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