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[LE] Is this possible in a Skyrim mod?


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Over the holidays my grandsons were hear for a couple weeks and we played a lot of Skyrim. We also talked a lot about what would make a good mod. One thing we agreed on is that it would be majorly cool if there was a telescopic sight for the Dwarven crossbow. It has great range and power but it's hard to see at long range. So it this at all possible?


If not is it possible to change the cross hairs used during combat? It's hard to see them when shooting a dragon in flight...



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Thanx for all the input...


I really want to keep the look of the enhanced dwarven crossbow from Dawn Gard. I'm not working with SE yet so I can't use the one in the link.


What I was thinking is that it would be a dawn guard quest to retrieve the plans for it and after that it would be a craftable item. I'm too new at this to do it myself but I will be searching the mods for something like this. Maybe after awhile I'll get good enough at this to do it like I want it to be...

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