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Simple question about the Silver Shroud gear.


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I've put in about 140 hours so far into Fallout 4, but I never actually did the Silver Shroud questline. So today I decided to get it done in one session. I like the look of the gear, especially the hat.

My issue is that the hat is not a piece of gear, rather it's a quest item even after I've completed the questline and saved you know who. I do have mods installed but I'm unsure that any of them would cause the armor and not the hat to become a piece of apparel after completing the quest. The only major armor based mod I use is Amorsmith Extended. It makes the gear (quest item or otherwise) upgradable in the workbench.


I've heard once you hit level 45 and upgrade the armor to its final form, all the gear becomes apparel and / or a weapon you can equip and drop and so forth.

I'm honestly baffled and can't even seem to find the console code to spawn a normal hat. (ie the article of clothing and not the quest item)


Any help on this would be appreciated.

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