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Best clothing, body, astetics?


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If you want a good sized rack, then exnem's is the way to go. But if you want porportional and realistic, then I would go with babs. BTW, Babs also comes with a clothing shop, so you get some goodies automatically. If you go with Exnems, then you'll also want to grab Apachii's Goddes Store.


Hope this helps!

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Here is a site that compares some different female body mods as far as shape. I like it because it's the exact same position and angle for each, so it's quite fair:





Here is the mod list for Fantasy Figures, which has a figure type somewhat in between BAB and Exnem's:




Robert, the maker of Robert's male bodies, also has a female one out in alpha, although there's not much clothing/armor for it yet:



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