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A DJ Resource


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What I'd like to see is a Club DJ resource somewhat like Singing Settler in which a settler could be assigned to the mixer model and play select or custom music (like Singing Settler does now). It would be nice if the DJ could be either assigned a custom schedule like Singing Settler or work with along with the mod so they don't conflict with each other (as it would be kind of weird to have 2 different music playing at the same time). It should also (like the aforementioned mod) generate happiness.

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I'm currently faking it in my settlement (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/62741/?) by using several NIN radios from Old World Radio Boston (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9048/?) hidden inside speakers around the dance floor. Unfortunately, the sound quality is..well..radio, and plays regardless of whether the dj is behind the mixer or not.

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