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mini ED-E personal drone


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So recently I was looking at the mod pip-boy shadows and I was thinking that while it is realistic to have, the amount of light is convenient.

Then I thought of a few other things like the glow ball spells from skyrim, the verti-drones mod, the Kinos in Stargate Universe, and ED-E.


SO basically I'm putting this out there as and idea for a device/drone for a mini-ED-E with it's own light source (toggleable for stealth) that will follow the character around to help with looting those dark areas. Maybe capable of searching local area for loot like dogmeat. Maybe adding target markers for enemies.


So just let your imagination run wild with what you would do with your own personal drone (and what Fallout 4 can do)


Not a fully fleshed out idea, I know, But maybe this can be a catalyst.

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