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[MOD REQUEST] Help with custom Hairstyle


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I'm currently using a hairstyle for my character that I would like to add physics too. More specifically, just the bangs.


The hairstyle was included with an armor mod as a wig and I was lucky enough to have somebody add it as a standalone hairstyle for my game.


I tried to do this on my own but in all honesty, I am completely lost and I will admit that trying to do this is way above my skill level. I have yet to even learn basic skinning, rigging, etc. when it comes to meshes and skeletons, bodies, etc.


I've included a link to my google drive with the .7z file.


Motoko Hair Standalone




Original wig was from "Ghosts of Skyrim Armor"

There is also a version converted to Fallout 4 using the wig named "Motoko Hair". This version has hair physics, but it's not for Skyrim. (Figured I'd list this reference?)


So if anybody could possibly do me the favor of adding physics to this hairstyle? I'd appreciate it :laugh:


Mod Request: Apply Physics to Hairstyle

Game: Skyrim (OldRim)

Hairstyle: Motoko Hair Standalone (link in post)


Since the above deals with physics, just in case this next bit of information is require: My current body type is UUNP with HDT-PE


Since this is my first time posting an actual request for a mod//conversion//help - Please let me know if there's anymore info I need to provide.


Feel free to send me a Private Message. I'll follow this post as well, but if I see notifications on the top header for the nexus, I always check them before anything else, PM's that is.

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