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[SCRIPTS, CONTAINER]different approach to settlement production


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Vanilla settlement production cap


Manufacturing vacuum can suck settlement(s) dry (manufacturing extended can access local and connected settlement(s) workshop)


Suggested solution have script run before/after(I recommend after so connected settlement still benefit) betheda's (daily?) Script and move excess (don't starve/make unhappy settlers) food and water to a unique container(preferably linked container,know someone has made these already)


Also would like manufacturing vacuum directed to same container. Reason being so you can hold back items in workshop for OCDecorator or whatever reason.


This would ideally achieve/ensure:

Food/water for local settlement.

Food/water for connected settlements.

Food/water in excess of (x) [(x) kept in workshop] in container for pickup and sale OR Vacuum ->manufacture chems.

Side effect don't know the exact equation, but this should put a cap on settlement attack chance depending on what is held back in workshop I think.

Allow you to keep junk in workshop away from manufacturing for decorating with OCDecorator.

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