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armydal godsword mod


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mod requests go in the mod request forum BTW...



on topic, the sword is cool... but runescape? should of just posted the image (in the correct forum) and asked if someone could make something like it there... I highly doubt your runescape introduction is going to go over very well here :P

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Actually... Depending on if those curged flanges are sharpened or not, they would probably act like a crossguard and prevent the blade from penetrating deeper, meaning the first 3rd of the sword is functional, and the rest is just decrotve...


Really, i fail to understand the artistic obsession with barbs, flanges, teeth and other sundry things comming off a blade... Even the Ancient Nord weapons in Skyrim are pushing it...

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Well technically, OP's description goes that it used by a god, so I would imagine this god has the strength to ignore the drawbacks of using such a weapon, and cruel enough to enjoy the benefits in that if the initial strike did not kill, then the retracting of the blade from the opponents body would probably be extremely painful and messy, and terminal. But indeed, in the hands of a mortal, its very impratical.
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