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Reverting back to OOO prices after using Living Economy...


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I recently upgraded the LE that came included with OOO into the newest one. I also, stupidly, installed LE Items, which made all the random clutter in the world useless, after having experienced the joy of being a thief in OOO and stealing random plates etc. to sell.


Needless to say, I want the old OOO prices back. After uninstalling LEI, however, the prices have not reverted to normal. If I start out a new game, the prices are allright, but I don't want to have to revert, yet again, to a new character to solve a mod-related issue. If there is someway for me to force OOO to set the prices again, I'm guessing you can do it using Wrye Bash or something, but as I don't even use that program I have no clue on how to use it, please give me instructions on how to proceed or point me in the direction of a guide.


Thanks a lot in advance

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On a related note, is it possible to use LEI and keep the OOO prices? It's not like I'll be heartbroken if it isn't, just wondering.


OOO=Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

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