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Need your guys help and advice


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First time posting and pretty new to modding. Like many of us here I started with the noble intention of adding a few mods to improve my game play experience...next thing you know BAM! am at 121 active mods. The game seems to run decent, however I have noticed the following issues:

1. Indoors/cave/dungeons are just too bright, I am going for the hardcore look from COT

2. I have no idea why this is happening, and Ruin Clutter Improve when checked doesn't appear on Plugins

3. In the active mod (Plugins) there are two inactive mods one is Vivi Landscapes.esp and Watercolor_for ENB_RWT_RND.esp bot in active, do they impact anything being in this status?


I know your time is valuable and if you could help me out I would appreciate it


As far as software, I am using MO, with ENB Loot, and of course SKSE

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Next time, please post your load order here within "spoiler" tags. Much more convenient for people to read. :cool:


1. You should'nt use ELFX Enhancer and ELFX weather together with Climates of Tamriel. These are conflicting mods, since they change the same things. Choose one or the other. You can easily reconfigure ELFX by installing it again, this time choosing different options in the menu. Since ELFEnhancer changes lighting in dungeons, this is probably the cause for your not so dark dungeons.


2. Ruin Clutter Improved is a mesh and texture replacer. No need for an esp. So it's correct, that there is none.


3. I'm not a MO user myself, so maybe someone familiar with it might be able to help you out better, but in general vividlandscapes.esp should be active. "Watercolor for ENB..." basically just adds a colour variant. Depending on your ENB settings and personal preference you may like it or not. In any case just a cosmetical issue.

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