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Two Hand Mods From Japan


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My preferred weapon is a two hand Japanese sword such as a Dai-Katana, though Naginata's are nice as well.


Anyway, I've got two mod groups downloaded, with one being mofu's "2H Katana Attack Animations", and the other being


cyh0405's "Oriental Swordsmanship of East Asia". I suspect that they will conflict in use. To avoid this I'd like opinion as to


which one will be more satisfactory in gameplay. I realize that making open comparisons and stating preferences is perhaps


not the done thing on the Nexus Forum so if anyone feels like sending a private message that's okay as well.


If no one feels like responding, then that's okay also. I can always try one and then the other and make my own decision, it


just sucks up more time. Okay, all in and all done.

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