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Okay, between UFO and AFT, UFO is older and perhaps dated. However, on UFO it's possible to render a follower as non-essential(killable) in combat. Can that be done with AFT?


Also, a brawl between followers can be stopped through using both UFO and AFT, however, it's easier with AFT.


Other than that, AFT is quite likely a more satisfactory mod...at least from when I was running it back in the earlier versions. Clothing changes are far more satisfactory...at least


back when. Don't know about now. Back in the earlier versions, with AFT one could render automatic changes from indoor outfits to outdoor outifts (or vice-versa) as the follower


either entered or exited the home dwelling. Can that still be done? It can't be done with UFO.


Anyway, if one can't render mortal followers with AFT I'll likely stick with UFO. I'm running a pretty hardcore game these days.


OOPS! My complete and total bad. This should be headed EFF vs. UFO, with all references to AFT instead labeled EFF. ALSO, one may not stop follower brawling with UFO. Instead


that is available through RDO. So, this is post is pretty much a waste of my time and yours. Sorry about that. Must be age related failure of the gray matter.

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