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Faedal is DEAD


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hi guys, was trolling through the world of skyrim the other day, came to riverwood, and lo and behold a dragon attacks. so, i get my follower Faedal (the archery trainer) and we beat the dragon easy. then i walk off to one of the entrances to Riverwood, and then I decide, meh just fast travel back to Whiterun, so I did, I disengaged my follower, who was standing by the entrance, and i fast traveled.


a few days later i went back to Riverwood to attend to some other buisness. thing is when i went back there the first thing i noticed was Faedal lying face down, on the ground, yup hes dead. for no apparent reason. anybody experienced this?

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I had something similar happen. I came running into Riverwood from Helgen for the first time and Faendal was lying on the ground dead.

I had played through this part of the game a couple of times and knew he wasn't supposed to be dead there, so I just resurrected him with the console.

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MysteriousTraveler thinks bethesda is trolling us.
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