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Contraptions Elevator in standard wall size


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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 to this. I started a rad concrete tower on Spectacle Island only to find I have to use weak-looking warehouse parts to have a working elevator. Not cool.


In the meantime, there's a mod that adds more snap-points to concrete walls, allowing them to snap into each other. I lined the floors up with the elevators, built a wall attached to the upper floor, then a wall attached to the lower floor. That way the walls intersect and fill the gap created by the elevator spacing.

Edited by cah150
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I too am still waiting for someone to tackle this issue.


Also, i want an elevator which goes up to 10+ stories instead of just 4 max. Why couldn't Bethesda simply make an elevator from modular components, which you could stack like other building blocks? Only would need 3 separate objects, an elevator base, mid sections and a top section. The more mid sections you stack on top of the elevator base, the more buttons appear and the top section could be just like a roof tile you snap on top of the last mid section. This should be easily doable with some simple scripting. I mean, Wastland Workshop already gave us snappable conveyor belts, so why not simply apply the same principle to elevators?

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