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Optimized Vanilla Textures crash


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Need some help here. I think I properly installed the Skyrim Optimized Vanilla Textures, I downloaded and installed the 1st file via MO and extracted and installed each of the 2nd files (the DLCs) also with MO. The thing is, I don't know why my game crashes if I enable this mod. Here's a pic of my MO (the - Clean mods are the dlc patches that I cleaned with TES5edit).


More information about the crash: if optimized vanilla textures is disabled the game runs fine, no crash. When enabled, after starting a new game, it crashes on the path to Riverwood, never made it to that village before crashing, though I reached the guardian stones.

PD: my rig gtx970 + i5 4690 3.5gHz + 8GB RAM (you think it could be a VRAM problem?)

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: well, I modified some settings in the Skyrim.prefs.ini and now I reached Riverwood, BUT, the dog was purple, Alvor's clothes were black, and some weapons purple. So I presume it has to do with textures?

2nd EDIT: it seems it would crash sometimes, so it's not a textures/meshes problem only... Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by xipitus
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