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Molecular Level Problem


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Hi, I don't know whether anyone can help me, but I'm having a problem with Molecular Level. I can build the individual parts and join the beam emitter and the stabiliser together

but when I hit the spacebar to link my generator to the teleport, everything nearby is highlighted to indicate that it can be wired up, except for any of the teleporter parts.

I.ve tried building it with the BOS at Boston Airport and the Minutmen at Sanctusry, I've loaded a game save from before I started it, but nothing works.


Does anyone have any ideas/solutions, please.

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Well, I've spent a week trying to solve this, with no luck. I've tried everything that was suggested on the interweb apart from disabling all my mods, I'll try that next. If that doesn't work and I can't find a console code to advance it, it looks like I will have to start from scratch, but I'm not sure that I want to do that.
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Completing the quest didn't work, it completed the quest but without the teleporter being powered up, so I couldn't use it. I tried setstage, but that didn't power it up. I looked at the variou stages and a couple of them were dormant, but I couldn't figure out how to alter that. Looks like I'm either going to have to go to a save before the quest started or begin from scratch, with no guarantee that it won't happen again. I didn't have this problem with my first playthrough.
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Ok, I got past this problem, for anyone else that may have it, this is how I did it.


1) play the game until just before you build the first piece.

2) save the game and exit

3) open NMM and disable all mods (why can't I select all my mods and disable them in one go, rather than one at a time?)

4) start FO4 again, making sure to load the save from 2)

5) build the first piece

6) visit whichever "scientist" you chose to help you, in my case Sturges

7) build the rest of the teleport and the generator(s) and wire it all up, it should now work.

8 save and exit

9) re-enable all your mods

10) start FO4 using the save in 8 and repair all the damage from playing without mods, i.e. weapons, armour, clothes, buildings etc. It's a fair bit of work, but not as much as starting from scratch, with no guarantee that it won't happen again.


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