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Storable Quest Items+Nice Mother


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Hey, I got two requests.


1) Storable Quest Objects


As you get more and more quest items, it really impacts how much you are carrying. For example, I have 6 Amulet of Talos' and another quest item sword which weighs 11lbls. Whenever I try to store these items I got the message saying I can't store quest items. Of course I could just do the quests and get it over with, but there are a lot of quests, especially if you are just in the early stages of the game like I am and doing every side quest just isn't possible.


So in short, a mod which enables you to store quest items.


2) Nice Mother [SPOILER!]


I get pretty scared of the night mother and whenever she speaks. Requesting a mod to:

a) Make her look pleasant and take away the creepy look.

b) Replace voice. I know theres a mod to remove it completely, but if possible I would rather have it modified.

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