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Everywhere is irradiated


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Easily done using a modified form of the solar powered perk.

This is a bit hastily made but here goes...


ScriptName RadsEverywhereScript

Float MicroRads

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
If IsInInterior == 0
	Set MicroRegen to ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds / 10
	DamageAv RadiationRads MicroRads


The IsInInterior part stops it from working indoors, so you can take shelter inside a building to sleep. If you want the radiation completely everywhere, this should do it...


ScriptName RadsEverywhereScript

Float MicroRads

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
Set MicroRegen to ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds / 10
DamageAv RadiationRads MicroRads


I've tested a similar script and I don't think it causes the clicking sound, which would be consistent with the pipboy being calibrated to tune out background radiation and warn of more specific dangers. The amount of rads gained by this is about 1 per 10 seconds due to the / 10 part, changing that to a / 5 will give twice the exposure rate. It might be possible to add this to an unmarked quest so it starts as soon as the player leaves vault 101.

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Cool. And would making this into an .esp be as simple as opening geck, selecting "scripts" from one of the menus, and then saving it? ( I have a vague recollection from having made a single esp for oblivion once that that is the process )



edit: also, would radiation resistance automatically interact with this rad gain, or does that have to be scripted in as well? if it happens automatically, how much rad resistance would cancel the effect outright?

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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Ooops.... I've just given this a try and found I made a mistake in the code, didn't spot that MicroRegen reference I left in there which should be MicroRads. Like I said it was hastily modified. Also, there's an extra stage that I didn't have on my version...


There's 2 ways of getting this to run.

The script in its current state can be saved as an effect script (the object setting must be changed in the script window). Then a base effect can be made to run the script, then an actor effect can be made to run the base effect. That's as far as I've got so far, the trick is how to cast that actor effect on the player. The most reliable way would be to make an unmarked quest to check if the player has the effect, and if not cast it on the player, then end itself. That also would be relatively simple using another script, but if a quest is going to be used then it would be easier to skip a step...


The alternative way to do this, and the way that now seems a lot easier is to rewrite the script like this...


ScriptName RadsEverywhereScript

Float MicroRads

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
       If Player.IsInInterior == 0
               Set MicroRads to ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds / 10
               Player.DamageAv RadiationRads MicroRads


I'm not completely sure if that's right, as quest scripts are something I don't often use. Anyway, it should be possible to save that as a quest script, then make an unmarked quest that runs it, then set that quest to start the game running. That way, as soon as the player leaves vault 101, the script will take effect.


I don't know how radiation resistance will affect this, as the script directly modifies the RadiationRads variable and I'm not sure if that is calculated before or after resistance is taken into account. I think it's after, in which case it should be constant, but it seems like no amount of resistance in the game can reduce a rad count below 1 anyway so it should work either way.

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Oh, it works?

Did you get it running as a quest?



Yeah, I had to change the begin line to Begin Gamemode so it would accept it as a quest script. Then by cracking open another mod, I saw how simple it was to set it up as a new quest that starts automatically and is invisible.


Then I started getting creative! :laugh: I made it so that during the day, outside, your rads go up. At night, and in interiors, your rads go down. The numbers change slightly if you're running ( I love making reasons not to run everywhere ), or sitting ( and reasons to sit, lol ). Also if you're in a radioactive area, the script doesn't give you any rad reduction.


I'm thinking of adjusting it even further so that different times of day give more rads...most at high noon, less at dawn and dusk. This actually turns out to have been a really easy one to make... makes me think about trying some of my other ideas :dance:

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