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Arngeir Dialogue Bug


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I have had a problem with talking to Arngeir and the Greybeards about learning Fus Ro Dah (the other Greybeards would not do anything when I tried to learn from them). I solved this by using the console to advance the quest, and give myself the full shout. However, now I am further in the quest line, and I must speak to Arngeir about the shout that defeated Alduin, and he is telling me to talk to Wulfgar to learn Dah. He won't talk to me about Alduin, and Wulfgar is unresponsive, of course.


I really don't wanna go through the game using the console whenever I have to speak to him. Is there a way to advance his dialogue to where it needs to be? I thought that by advancing the quest it would advance him, because this worked for other characters, but he still seems to be stuck on that earlier quest where he teaches me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm having the same problem. Are you using Skyboost/TESV Acceleration Layer? I read somewhere that they can cause problems with scripted events (such as learning the words of power from the Greybeards) so it may be them. I've deleted my Skyboost and it's not solved it, though.
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