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Mod Request - Blank Stat Amulets


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Hey Folks,


This has been on my mind for awhile now and to be honest I'm a little surprised nobody made a mod to do it yet (please correct me - and point me to it - if I'm wrong), but I've been looking for a mod that would create a new item code for all of the Deity amulets (the cool amulets with unique art) aka the necklaces for Dibella, Talos, Mara, etc... but blank (so that they would be enchantable)


I know this is possible, as a mod I'm currently using, adds a lot of items to smithing - Nightingale armor, shrouded armor, etc.... with no stats so that I can put whatever I want on them. Just wondered if this was possible or if anyone had already done it, since those art assets kick a lot more butt than the boring silver/gold necklaces.



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