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Vault 88 Hall of mirrors issue


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Hello all, I thought id post this to see if i can get some help. The issue that i am having is in the caverns for v88 in that i get the HOM effect when i look in the direction of the main building area from the main entrance. I know it isn't from mods since i uninstalled them plus i went to a earlier save with the mods installed. I have read quite a bit online but have found no fixes. I do not know if its because there is too much in that area and I'm fairly certain its not hardware since its only in this place that I have noticed. The main cavern where my atrium is, is 5 levels with almost every inch of space used, but i have some clutter but i have only decorated the first floor. I noticed this issue when near the main door facing the direction of the atrium but not physically seeing it since there is a wall blocking it but when i turn to face and look at the gear door or I'm in the atrium there is no issue, only when i cant see the atrium and it's rooms. I have used the scrap all cmd in the console and after a few mins of being frozen from all the objects disappearing the problem resolves, except now the Void leaks in from various parts of the cavern being scrapped.


my system: is i5-2500K [email protected]

16GB 1600 DDR3 Corsair RAM

64-bit Win 7

GeForce GTX 970 Driver: 376.33

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Yes it happens when scrapping things in Vault 88 not originally designed to be scrapped. The odd thing is that it seems to affect only some scrap mod users not all. Interior settlements (both vanilla and mod created) have a much harder time with this issue.

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as a side note the mod do it yourshelf where it adds special shelves does it too if u place a lot on one area. (I didnt have anything placed when i had the issue plus i uninstalled the mod as a troubleshooting measure)

Without seeing a picture I can't be 100% of what you're talking about but I'm pretty sure the "hall of mirrors" problem you had was caused by precombined meshes/previs or room bounds and portals issues. The Do It Yourshelf mod isn't capable of disrupting the precombined meshes/previs or room bounds and portals issues.

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