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Regarding Players Who Don't Speak English


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For the players who keep on apologizing for not speaking English I've got just one question: Why apologize?


Lol! If I tried one of the Chinese dialects I'd have no clue where to start and therefore wouldn't even make the


effort. Tonal languages are TOUGH!! So, don't apologize for at least making the effort. At least you're putting


yourselves out there and that takes some stones...or ovaries or... ??

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/\ ditto.


I avoid posting in German, Chinese and Russian to keep from insulting the native speakers. Trust me I can butcher "where's the bathroom" in Ten languages and what little I know fluently would get me banned from most civil gatherings that were not held in brothels or navy ships.

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/\ ditto.


I avoid posting in German, Chinese and Russian to keep from insulting the native speakers. Trust me I can butcher "where's the bathroom" in Ten languages and what little I know fluently would get me banned from most civil gatherings that were not held in brothels or navy ships.


:-) Yep, same here. Oh, I might manage some semi-decent textbook Spanish but that's pretty much it.

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