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Well... Im all out od ideas!


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Hello, im a newer mod user and have had some trouble getting Skyrim stable.


My last save I got to level 10 with 202 mods active, then it suddenly started CTD more frequently. This became so annyoing it may take up to 3-4 tries to load a save, just for it to CTD soon after!


(I use Mod orginazer, the full version of LOOT, TESVEdit and FNIS) I know how to use all these programs after finding out the hard way... Reading!

Anyhow I also have that Memory patch so I can use about 512mb in the first memory box; this stopped a fair amount of CTD when i first started to try use Skyrim mods (About 2 weeks ago). I have also Cleaned all the DLC's and update.esm, along with a few other esp (Which i checked all were safe to 'Clean').


So This time I thought it would be sweet as a nut! Deleted my unstable level 10, and began a new save - Which started fine and all, messed around in the MCM to set up my mods, then 'Saved', Manually quit to Desktop to see if I could load the Brand-New save.... and yuppp, you guessed it... CRASH! and another!


Im not brilliant at this Modding crack, but I thought I had a fair idea about how to make this work!?


If it helps, or more correctly, hinders; I have about 7000 - 8000 animations active using FNIS. Plus I have a pretty beasty computer - if that matters...?


Please help all-mighty modding community! :)

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this wont solve your problem but it should help, Clean out your save files and any screenshots you may have. Keep only the most current six or seven saves. Some one suggested that to me a while back and I thought the poster was an idiot but tried it any way LOL


you can also try loading a really old save, if that works then try loading your current save once your in game.

Edited by JoKelly
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Ive deleted all my saves multiple times now mate :/ I took your advice and deleted the four screenshots i had too. Meanwhile I uninstalled a fair amount of mods, mind you I still have 191 plugins active!

But I also got rid of SSME, since its apperantly a bit unstable / outdated - So i created a SKSE.ini instead, but no joy for me :/


The .ini is working since on my memory log i was about 307mb when i crashed - thought that crash was a Brand-New save, did nothing but let the MCM menus load, save and then try re-loading from Desktop, but its like the nano-second I get off the load screen I just crash again. To be very honest its actually worse than its ever been!


Ive also re-ordered the left pane of MO, so mods decend in this order:

-UI and patches

-weather, lighting, water

-armour, weapons, homes, followers, quests, audio

-gameplay tweaks, immersion mods, sleep, food

-combat mods

-highly scripted mods + aminations (went really sure where to but them)


The only thing I can think at this point is unistalling Skyrim, MO and pretty much everything and started again!!! Bough! Ive looked for information everywhere, can anyone please suggest anything else that may work. I hear people with like 225mods active and no CTD's - How do I get to that point xD

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Ahh nice one pal! I actually read a forum before where one bloke mention starting a new game and loading a save that way - which actually worked and I was just playing in one session for about 3 hours maybe, with no problems; apart from the one crash fighting a dragon which was a bit annoying, but hey-hoe! I its an improvment!


I'll get that mod you just mentioned, and so im guessing no matter how stable, clean and well ordered your mods are; chance are you'll crash a fair few times in day??


Thanks man :)

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you might try CASM for skyrim. The FNV CASM did wonders for my Fall out game and you might want to try merging a few of your mods to lighten the load. I think there is a limit of 195 or 200 mods before the game starts getting glitchy. I might be wrong on that. even though I stayed in a Holiday Inn express once but I'm still no expert.

Edited by JoKelly
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I'll get that mod you just mentioned, and so im guessing no matter how stable, clean and well ordered your mods are; chance are you'll crash a fair few times in day??


Glad it helped you! :happy:


As for the crashing: I think you have to live with CTDs from time to time in Skyrim, especially if you got a large load order. Nevertheless, it IS possible to get the game very, very stable. I'm running 300+ mods (I'm using merged plugins). I also got quite some animations installed. I hardly ever experience CTDs. My last CTD was back in 2016. :cool: TBH I wouldn't be able to load my saves without "Continue game no crash".


The "secret" behind a relatively stable game is a load order I built up step by step and tested thoroughly. I only add one or two mods at a time, then test. If a mod seems to make my game unstable, I don't use it. I also never change mods during a playthrough - only exceptions are additions of very lightweight mods such as followers or weapons/armours. I never, ever uninstall anything though during a playthrough. I also use a TESVEdit merged patch and a bashed patch made with Wrye Bash to minimize mod conflict issues. Another thing that contributes to the relative stability are "Crash fixes": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?


Apart from that, I use Shesons memory patch in my SKSE ini:


defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 (you can test, if 1024 or 1280 make your game run better)

scrapHeapSizeMB=256 (always leave that value as it is)



you might try CASM for skyrim. The FNV CASM did wonders for my Fall out game and you might want to try merging a few of your mods to lighten the load. I think there is a limit of 195 or 200 mods before the game starts getting glitchy. I might be wrong on that. even though I stayed in a Holiday Inn express once but I'm still no expert.


I agree with you that there seems to be a a certain "threshold". Once you've gone above it, the trouble starts... Where this threshold is, depends on many variables: It depends on your rig and the general stability of your system. It also depends on which mods you have installed. You can have dozens of mods adding one or two weapons each without any issues, but a single large mod, that adds new lands and/or quests, can bring you above that infamous "threshold".

Edited by Algabar
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Sorry mate just read this now; thank you for the information but as said before; "Contuine game no crash" sorted it for me! I nerd'ed out the same day for probs about 5-6 hours on Skyrim, without no CTD or maybe just the one ;) Cannit actually remember.


I've got up to level 17 in the past two days; with about 2-3 CDT's in total? - Which I think is brilliant :D


My rig is pretty sick like; very new components, although my Skyrim load order isnt as stable im guessing. I did that rookie mistake where I downloaded about 40mods, followed by like 80 then about another 90 xD So did them in large sessions, which would have casued some issues im sure; since I would have only loaded the game three times in the total of all those mod being installed!


But still! MO / LOOT / TESVEdit and lots of researching & asking seems to have worked it out xD So Im thinking its gonna stay pretty stable for this playthrough and the only thing ive done wrong is installing three massive burst's of mods (As I say seems stable), so if it all goes tits up; I'll reinstall, about 2-5mods at a time :)


Thanks a budle guys! Happy end of January! :)

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