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someone to guide me to a good sneaking mod... umm, there's one that I'm thinking of...


basically it made it so that, even if you were detected, you could still get away by sneaking... they no longer were psychic in knowing where you actually are.


I know there's a mod that does this, and I'm tired of dropping down from a ledge JUST BARELY in the line of sight of some creature, then them knowing where I am at ALL TIMES (it really makes melee sneaking really hard, instead of just hard)...


so, could someone point me to a mod that does this? would be greatly appreciated.

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It's possible to be able to go into sneak and have someone lose track of were you are, I've done it with a bandit before. I just sat in sneak mode and he had no clue where I was. I was in the middle of the room and had already hit him once with a sneak attack.
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