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New stories for the wasteland


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I can help with sound, people to voice act and screenplay like easy to follow script and dialouge trees.


There are 2 ways to begin this story line.


Meet Good NPC or Bad NPC.


Good tasks the player with meeting people to rebuild and repopulate a derelect town


Bad tasks you with running those people out of the mojave to be replaced with vending machines.


The people you meet will require you to do specific missions to gain thier trust.


Each has a specific role in rebuilding the town. Each has their own story line.

Edited by Client5
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you need to expand some on what stories


The names can be changed this is just the basics.


Character 1: " A place to call home " Status Updater type mission.

An old ghoul that wants to see civilization restored to it's old world glory in the form of a new settlement.

He has been working for years with a few robots on restoring a train that leads back to his home town.

A small urban town of shops and 3 story buildings similar to L'enfant.

To help him restore the train and the town you must find people willing to move there and help with construction.

In most cases you must first help those people improve there buisnesses by means of specific missions.

Once you've helped them by completing their quests they can pay for their share of the town renovations.


Character 2: " Way of the Future " Status updater mission.

Young and strong lives in his own palacial vault.

He is all about making more caps. He envisions vending machines that offer what people need.

To do this he would have you cheat the potential settlers out of their inventions to add them as vending machine inventory and replace their current locations with his new vending machines.


The settlers.


The Butcher: " Mongo and the Mysterious Meat Machine. "

Object recovery mission

The Junker: " Jimmy the Junkman and his fixem up Caravan "

Escort the caravan mission

The Plumber: " Walterr Wingate's Wonder Water "

Fix the leaks mission

The Security Expert: " Sarsparilla Jones and the fires of hell "

Weapon Testing Mission

The Librarian/ Teacher " Knowledge is Power "

Object recovery missions, recon missions

The Doc: " Take me drunk, I'm home"

Escort mission, object recovery.

The Tailor: " A stich to build a dream on "

Match Maker Quest. Object Recovery. Escort mission.

Edited by Client5
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