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Any recomended +weapons/armor mods?


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Yes. Just one with no magicka. or staves.


I recommend getting the Unique landscapes mods (UL). They are really quite interesting.


And if you get The Natural Environments mod, i would recommend downloading another mod that ties in with it, it removes the yellowish tint. Can't remember what it's called though.

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Yes. Just one with no magicka. or staves.


I recommend getting the Unique landscapes mods (UL). They are really quite interesting.


And if you get The Natural Environments mod, i would recommend downloading another mod that ties in with it, it removes the yellowish tint. Can't remember what it's called though.

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  • 1 month later...

hi everybody, i'm new to this forum! If I remember coreclty there was a mod on tessource which created better visual effects for enchanted weapons, i've searched this mod on this site as well in other but I can't find it, also tessource seems to be unavailble!

do u know where i can find it? the name was Visually enhanced pack or something like that.

Thamk for any help!

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