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Strange CTD Problem at Specific Instance


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Hello, I have FCOM loaded correctly with the levelled lists and whatnot and everything isl working to perfection for me. However, I experience a CTD at a certain point in the game.


Here is what happens:

I am in the Vilverin Ruins. I get past the bandits on the first level and I experience nothing but stability.

However, I encounter the door leading me to Vilverin Canosel.

I activate the door to get to Vilverin Canosel. The load screen pops up and immediately after it finishes loading it crashes to desktop.


Here is where it gets a little interesting and I hope this information can help others in trying to pinpoint a solution to my problem:

After trying various things like saving before I go in or streamsaving before entering the doorway, I finally decided to just sleep for 10 hours or so right in front of the doorway (Using the Real Sleep 1.4 mod with the bedrolls, etc.) I have also tried sleeping on the bed that is in front of that doorway in the room with 3 or 4 NPC's.

Basically, after sleeping for 10+ hours, I enter the doorway and everything loads perfectly after the load screen finishes loading.


This CTD problem is solved by sleeping for 10+ hours before activating the doorway but the CTD problem always happens immediately after it finishes loading the area.


I don't know why it would CTD after it finishes loading and why it would not CTD after I have slept. I am absolutely positive this isn't due to FCOM being loaded improperly because I do not experience any crashes when I am outdoors.


I am using Wrye Bash as well as OBMM.

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