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Character Selection Mod?


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Hi, i love Skyrim, didnt play any elder scrolls games before but i really love it. One of the only things i think it lacks is a charcter selection screen at the main menu, i've tried the save game manager but i didnt really like it, is there a mod for this already? if not is anyone making one? :P
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Hi, i love Skyrim, didnt play any elder scrolls games before but i really love it. One of the only things i think it lacks is a charcter selection screen at the main menu, i've tried the save game manager but i didnt really like it, is there a mod for this already? if not is anyone making one? :P


It would be pretty cool to completely redo the initial start menu to display your different character profiles. I don't think it would need to be as shnazzy as WoW, or any other MMORPG, but more like....


[New Game]

Starts the game normally.



Continues from most recent save



A menu will display which will display panels (still frame screenshots) showing your most recent activity in the most recent save, per usual.

However, the interface organizes the .bak save files by "Character Profile Name". Each panel can be tabbed through with the directional keys and/or clickable with the mouse button. Think of it like the PS3/XBOX 360 interface...but perhaps more analogous would be the Cover Flow view mode in iTunes. By selecting one panel, you may then tab down and select a save under the appropriate name.



Go to credits.



Quit to Desktop





This would keep the standard functions of all but the Load menu. I couldn't imagine something more FPS friendly, memory friendly, or processing friendly. It'd be easy to tell what you're loading, or deleting. Same controls, just a different view. Without the hassle of completely changing the dynamic of the start up screen. While it'd be cool to have, I'd rather have efficiency.

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