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Skyboost - Crash on Game Load


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I've installed the last version of skyboost from the authers website, but when I load a save it freezes after a second.


I've removed the TESVAL mod and put both required files in the bin file into my skyrim directory.


Any ideas please?

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Ouch. I'd advise talking to Alexander, the mod creator, however you can:


1.) Check that your processor supports the SSE2 instruction set. You'll have to Google this after learning what specific model of processor you have.


2.) Your game is version 1.3 and a legal Steam copy. Not accusing you of anything, but it's worth noting.


3.) Check that you have "asiloader.txt" in your Skyrim directory and review the contents. If the file doesn't exist, SkyBoost isn't loading. If the file doesn't contain something to the effect of "asi loaded : "SkyBoost.asi" at 0x70AC0000", then it's not loading properly.


Hope this helps!

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It may be faster to just get CPU-Z if you want to know whether or not your CPU supports SSE 2 instructions, but if it was made in the last decade chances are it does.
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